Kopal to Gadag - India 2025 - CycleBlaze

January 17, 2025

Kopal to Gadag

I was glad to leave Kopal. The town had been noisy and crowded with the last day of a Festival and the previous evening it was almost impossible to walk around without getting run over. Strangely no restaurants were open so it was bananas and biscuits.

I left the hotel at 6.45am to a grey dawn. Pollution?  Dust?  Hampi had been golden.  The grey dawn somehow typified Kopal.

I took the RWGPS route for the first 20 miles on a mixture of tarmac and sand.  When I reached the section that RWGPS describe as a ‘track’ it looked unrideable - very rutted.  I asked Villagers if I could ride through and they said no so I routed back to the highway. With a good tail wind I could hold 20mph at times!

Gadag had a totally different feel to Kopal.  Wider streets, more space, less traffic, a new railway station being built and horse drawn taxis. People were friendly and relaxed, not grabbing. Why the difference between two towns only 50 miles apart I do not know.

I even found a bright red Rolls Royce with wide wheels parked up alongside a restaurant.  Or was it based on some other car with a RR radiator added?

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New railway station
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What on earth is this?
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Today's ride: 54 miles (87 km)
Total: 255 miles (410 km)

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