This has been one wild year for weather. I've had dismal training miles due to the extended snow season. I'm writing this five days before our trip starts. I'm following several journals of cyclists crossing Colorado in the snow. There's even a couple of die hards who are camping!
Jacinto was in Leadville today, May 29th. It was snowing. Admittedly, Leadville is almost 10,000 feet elevation, but it's practically June! Jim Fitch asked if we have enough room in the panniers to carry snowshoes. Jacinto didn't get the funny, but I thought Jim was quite witty.
Wayne Estes is on tour in Colorado at the moment. He is poised to ride Wolf Creek Pass tomorrow. It appears that the weather gods are smiling on him. All of that snow around and the forecast is shining. There should be enough snow on the ground for some dramatic photos.
We are still in full cold mode here. I am sitting on the sofa with a jacket on and a blanket across my legs. Oren said he can't believe that he is packing for a Utah tour and he's worried about being cold.
Utah has also been unseasonably chilly this spring. Temperatures looks quite friendly for our departure later this week. Moab shows a high of 85. Marble Canyon has a high of 91. Sunshine all around. I'm afraid I'm not going to be acclimated for the temperatures, even though they are quite friendly for Utah. When I called to confirm our Mexican Hat reservation the lady mentioned that August of 2018 they had 30 days in a row of 110 degree highs. Even Jacinto thought that was too warm.
Oren and I will be getting started early to beat the heat, wind, and RV's. 91 degrees will feel like a sauna compared to home.
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