Who's crazy idea was this anyway? - Heidi Ho - CycleBlaze

May 19, 2012

Who's crazy idea was this anyway?

Did I mention that I won't be riding alone this time, at least at the start? I'll be riding with fellow crazy person Leo, and Stephanie. Though I can't remember, now, if I was invited or if I invited myself?

History is full of similar examples. Who fired first at Lexington and Concord? And who invented the internet? Was it a group of scientists or Al Gore?

This is no different. Things go back and forth in a conversation, until one thing leads to another and the next thing you know plans are made and how it all got started is anyone's guess. At a certain point what does it matter?

The plan is for us to ride together for 10 days, or until they get tired of me. Though that portion of the contract, and an agreement as to what constitutes "tired of" has yet to be finalized?

Still, if all goes well we will end up in Geneva, were we will part company and they will head towards Armenia, in search of Noah's Ark, and I will head off to see more of Switzerland, in search of all things Heidi.

The timing of this post is not insignificant. Three weeks from right now I will be halfway over the Atlantic. Not that I'm counting.

Heidi HO!

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Jason CoxI’m sorry but I’m looking for Karen who was riding on pleasants valley rd in Vacaville today. She is a triathlete and avid cyclist. I talked to her briefly. Is this you ?
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1 year ago
Karen CookHi Jason,

Yep this is the right person. Though triathlete was a very long time ago and I wasn't very good at it.
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1 year ago