August 31, 2018
A hard but good day in the land of forests and lakes
Last night we had our dinner in the hotel - well there was no where else we could have gone . We both had trout and it was one of the tastiest and best presented meals I have we have ever eaten - even beat the food on the Avalon Passion ! Breakast good but not quite to the same standard then we were off, we thought we had about 70km but we were wrong I had miscalculated. Once we were back on the track it was absolutely lovely there were canals weaving their way through the forest. Pity you cant get up to North Germany in Petronella Stoppards. These canals went into lakes. Although obviously a lot of recreation was going on things weren't too highly developed. The forest came down to the lake shore. We were cycling up above the lakes in the forest. The terrain was certainly undulating and we were glad that we were used to riding on Razorback Rd
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We came to a town for a much needed coffee and Ken enjoyed look at the fine display of tobacco products at the supermarket. Yes of course he couldn't resist investigating the supermarket, he finds it hard to go past one - they don't have the same attraction for me. Occasionally we were going through patches of agriculture and every once in a while would pop out of the forest to a tiny hamlet. We thought we were doing really well when we saw the next marker Prezlau 53km ! it was a bit of a low moment, there were still lots of arrows on the map and it pointed out to me I mustn't use more than the lowest level of assist on my bike no matter how steep the hill or I might run out of battery
Arriving in Prezlau The bike told me I still had 49km left. We found the tourist information and were directed to two shops that may have been able to help with my phone problem. In the first the charmless man said he could do it next week, the other was closed.
Our hotel has an Irish Pub on the ground floor, very useful for rehydration and the really quite good rooms above it.
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We had bought sandwiches and peaches for lunch so found a sheltered spot out of the wind for lunch and rejuvenation. After that things didn't seem nearly as difficult and the last 20km were virtually flat. This is a wonderful recreation area and a week ago before school went back it would have been really humming
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6 years ago
Today's ride: 92 km (57 miles)
Total: 568 km (353 miles)
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Thanks for the hotel picture. Interesting that there really is a Prenzlau, we only know the neighborhood in Berlin. But then it had to be named after something. I find the East still very different and it takes a little nerve to tackle it. Good for you.
6 years ago
Thanks for the hotel picture. Interesting that there really is a Prenzlau, we only know the neighborhood in Berlin. But then it had to be named after something. I find the East still very different and it takes a little nerve to tackle it. Good for you.
6 years ago
our grand children do ...
6 years ago