Achievements - I'm freeee - CycleBlaze


Parts I, II, and III
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  • Bicycle - (559km) +250km
  • E-bike - (4km)
  • Foot - (2km) +5km
  • Car - (40km) + 60km
  • Train - (243km) + 300km
  • Tram - +20km

Places Slept

  • Jiangbian
  • Jiusuo 
  • Haikou

Achievements Unlocked "First Time ... of the Tour"

        1. "Communications cable doesn't contain copper" sign
        2. Rock net
        3. Coffee Car
        4. Taking carry-out food back to my hotel room
        5. Coffin shop
        6. Buying coffee from a Coffee Car
        7. Failed online booking resulting in choosing another hotel
        8. Martyr's Grave 
        9. Level crossing
        10. Giant Fibreglass M&M
        11. Traffic jam
        12. Saxophone player
        13. Hope School
        14. "This mountain is closed to grow trees" sign
        15. Not paying for my coffee
        16. Pizza
        17. Fixing my shoes
        18. Ordering a resupply of consumables to be sent to a location five days ahead

        Special Accomplishments

        Like an "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED" except it doesn't happen nearly every Tour 

        • Finding someone's ID card and taking it to the police station 


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