- Bicycle - (559km) +250km
- E-bike - (4km)
- Foot - (2km) +5km
- Car - (40km) + 60km
- Train - (243km) + 300km
- Tram - +20km
Places Slept
- Jiangbian
- Jiusuo
- Haikou
Achievements Unlocked "First Time ... of the Tour"
- "Communications cable doesn't contain copper" sign
- Rock net
- Coffee Car
- Taking carry-out food back to my hotel room
- Coffin shop
- Buying coffee from a Coffee Car
- Failed online booking resulting in choosing another hotel
- Martyr's Grave
- Level crossing
- Giant Fibreglass M&M
- Traffic jam
- Saxophone player
- Hope School
- "This mountain is closed to grow trees" sign
- Not paying for my coffee
- Pizza
- Fixing my shoes
- Ordering a resupply of consumables to be sent to a location five days ahead
Special Accomplishments
Like an "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED" except it doesn't happen nearly every Tour
- Finding someone's ID card and taking it to the police station
+4 videos
24 so far this Tour
888,000 views on videos related to this Tour
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