- Bicycle - (246km) +313km
- E-bike - (2km) +2km
- Foot - (2km)
- Car - (40km)
- Train - (243km)
Places Slept
- Dongcheng
- Danzhou
- Baisha
- Changjiang
- Dongfang
Achievements Unlocked "First Time ... of the Tour"
- Blocked off road
- Outdoor dentistry stall
- Having a fellow cyclist geek out over my bags
- Picking up items bought online
- First Amitabha Stone
- Staying somewhere I've previously stayed while on Tour
- Staying somewhere that doesn't have an elevator
- Seeing a Hotel Dog
- Making coffee on the gas stove
- Eating breakfast outside my hotel
- Accidentally peeing on my socks
- Dirt Road
- Eating Korean fried chicken and tteokbokki
- "Fewer and more excellent births is the goal" slogan
- Hotel room under 50y per night
- Having a hotel refuse to register me
- Being recognized by a fan
- Eating Tastien
- Resupply grocery shopping
- Petrol station toilet
- Major roadworks
- Staying at a nationwide chain
- Having a squatty potty in my hotel bathroom
- Using the hotel laundry facilities
- Seeing a Runaway Truck Ramp
- Going back to where I last ate to retrieve a bidon
- Eating Wallace Chicken
- Windmill
- Riding after dark
- Toilet Revolution PSA
- Getting sick
- Using a friend's laundry facilities
- Totally lost item (tripod)
+8 videos
20 so far this Tour
570,000 views on videos related to this Tour
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