Preparation for the C&O - Prepping for the Future - CycleBlaze

May 19, 2023

Preparation for the C&O

roll of the dice

As I get older, I’m eager to ride more in preparation for long trips in the future. For a while now, I’ve been aiming to do more self-sustained rides, and the C&O (Chesapeake & Ohio) Canal seems like the perfect place to start. There are numerous camping spots along the way, and if needed, I can easily arrange for pick-up.

Now, as the subtitle suggests, I didn’t do much preparation for this ride. I packed a tent, some cooking gear, a small amount of food, and a few water bottles. My plan is to complete the trip in 3 days, allowing me to savor the experience more leisurely. I’ve previously rushed through this route, so this time, I’ll also be testing out a hammock setup to determine whether it’ll be my preferred choice over a tent for future rides.


How my bike set up looked like.
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  Leaving Cumberland on a bright, sunny morning, I get going on the first day trip. Riding alone has a certain tranquility—it allows you to set your own pace and fully enjoy yourself in the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Today's ride: 150 miles (241 km)
Total: 150 miles (241 km)

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Bill ShaneyfeltHammocks are nice, but limited to places with trees... the right size... and the right distance apart.

I like the comfort, ease of setup and light weight.
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9 months ago