Day 1 - Prepping for the Future - CycleBlaze

Day 1


I finally found some time, better yet, I finally decided that I needed to stop being self-conscious and start writing some of my cycling chronicles. Please be patient with me, as English is my second language.

And with that, I begin with Day 1. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by retired friends and family. My father-in-law who is now retired, kindly dropped me off at Cumberland the starting point of this trip. Cumberland is such a beautiful town nestled between mountains. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to wake up to those mountains every day.

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One of my favorite things about the C&O Canal, naturally is how close to me it is and the amount of people from other states you get to meet and talk to on the way. On my first day, I met four guys traveling from North Carolina to enjoy the beauty of the C&O Canal. After a brief conversation, they departed on their trip.

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After watching them vanish into the distance, I decided that it was time for me to get going on my own quiet and picturesque ride. My destination: Hancock, Maryland, where my friend Keath awaited our meeting. The plan? To locate one of the nearby campsites and call it a day

Today's ride: 60 miles (97 km)
Total: 210 miles (338 km)

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Bill ShaneyfeltYou are doing very well with your ESL! Better than many journals whose authors have English as their only language. Keep it up. If nothing else, "practice makes perfect" applies.
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10 months ago