Two months out - North to the Balkans - CycleBlaze

February 26, 2018

Two months out

We leave for Chania (in western Crete, if you’re unfamiliar with it) two months from today.  That’s getting close enough that we’re starting to talk through departure planning in a bit more detail, thinking through how we’ll manage the transition.  This will be our first tour since we decided on New Year’s Eve to cast our fates to the wind (a digression: Cast Your Fate to the Wind, sung by We Five, was perhaps my favorite song when I was a freshman in college -I can still recall the lyrics and hear their harmonies when I close my eyes and look back), sell our home, and live most of our lives on tour on our bikes for the next several years.  I’ve written here about this abrupt change in our lives already, so I won’t go over it again now.  Suffice it to say that we’re out of our condo - the open house is this weekend - and impatient to hit the road.  Hardly a day goes by that we don’t discuss the day’s weather (generally wet and cold), look at each other and agree that we’d rather be in Crete.

So are we going north to the Balkans, or north through the Balkans?  I struggled a bit with the title, so I looked up what the Balkans actually are.  It sounds like there is some ambiguity about boundaries - the Balkan Peninsula includes mainland Greece, but it’s unclear whether Greece is really considered to be a Balkan country or not.  Crete though seems pretty unambiguous - it’s an island south of the Balkan Peninsula, so we’re starting off by going north to the Balkans.  When we get there we’ll go through them, for at least part of the way.

So just where are we going, anyway?  Stay tuned.

And where are we coming from?  Here’s a last look back:

Our condo - almost unrecognizable after the painter and stagers had their way with it. I could never live in a place that looks like this - where would the bikes go? Hopefully our agent knows what she’s doing!
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Andrea BrownIt looks swell! But it is missing a bicycle leaning against a wall, why one wouldn't be incorporated into a Portlander's decor is a mystery.
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7 years ago
Suzanne GibsonLooks a little too cleaned up for me!
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7 years ago
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Ron SuchanekOk Scott. You've got me motivated to start my journal. No more slacking for me. Jen and I look forward to following your travels.
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6 years ago
Scott AndersonYeah, sure. We’ll be watching. If we don’t see some action soon, expect some public shaming.
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6 years ago