The Cycle Life Challenge - North to the Balkans - CycleBlaze

March 11, 2018

The Cycle Life Challenge

This is a public service announcement, only obliquely related to bicycle touring.  

The Cycle Life Challenge is a renaming of an annual event that originated on Bicycle Life, one of the other doors on the Crazy Guy website.   It’s a local variant of the annual Coffeeneuring Challenge that was initiated by an ex-CGOAB author to encourage participation on Bicycle Life.  It’s a pretty simple idea - during the seven week Coffeeneuring season, take seven local rides of at least seven miles in distance; stop somewhere along the way (typically a coffee venue); spend some money in the local economy; and write about it.

In Bicycle Life, this was playfully named Guntonneuring by Kathleen, the event initiator.

Kathleen no longer cares to affiliate with Crazy Guy, but the event lives on under a new name, the Bicycle Life Challenge, on a new website: Cycle365.  Here is the announcement for This year’s challenge.

A few participants in the event also post here on CycleBlaze, including myself, so you might care to follow along or join us with your own submissions.  If you care to have a look, here are links to my submissions:

Breakfast at Saint Honore

Seeking Common Grounds

Stark Street Station

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Suzanne GibsonNice that you made a little publicity here, Scott!
And for any newcmers, the rules are very flexible. No, the ride doesn't even have to be 7 miles, any distance will do. The main thing is that you get out on your bike, an early start into the season.
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7 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Suzanne GibsonYou’re right, I did miss that; also the fact that e-bikers are welcome to participate. No Harley’s though - hogs are definitely out.
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7 years ago
Kathleen JonesAll that is required for the Cycle Life Challenge is that you please Your Goddess.
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7 years ago
Marian RosenbergThanks for letting me know about this!
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6 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Marian RosenbergYup. Not to late to join in. It would be great to see a fire or tw9 from Vietnam Nam!
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6 years ago
Marian RosenbergTo Scott AndersonI'm actually already home by now. I'm thinking of doing something with the dandelion share bikes (cause my bike needs TLC and the sharebikes are interesting in and of themselves)
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6 years ago