Day 35: Rest Day - Great Divide, Great Challenge - CycleBlaze

September 22, 2024

Day 35: Rest Day

While I didn’t feel bad when I woke up I knew a rest day was in order. I could have ridden my bike but it wouldn’t have been fun, and launching into a 400km stretch without resupply should be done when you can be as fast as possible. Andrew was totally supportive and we took advantage of the day to plan for four days worth of food, book our return flights, book a shuttle from Antelope Wells (the end of the trail) to El Paso, call a bike shop to arrange for bike boxes, book a hotel, and arrange a pick-up at the airport in Vancouver. All of that would have been a real challenge to arrange on our usual schedule and with our usual cell coverage.

We also just enjoyed a rest day which we both benefited from, even if I needed it more.

Our hotel in Grants, NM, is one of the most laughably bad I’ve been in as everything is broken and falling apart, but the beds are comfortable and we have everything we need.

Fortunately, there was a Denny’s near our hotel.
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Mark M.Not surprised you both need a rest. I've been following the journey with some admiration; it's a heck of a trip! Enjoy the downtime and best of luck with the final push. 👍
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1 week ago