Day 15 - Great Divide, Great Challenge - CycleBlaze

September 2, 2024

Day 15

Distance: 104km

Climbing: 1396m

Leaving Warm River campground we were greeted with an immediate climb. The first 7 km were paved and a rider on a day ride from a campground pulled up beside us and had a nice chat. We suddenly had views of The Tetons - a famous and beautiful and mountain range in Wyoming. Our target was on the other side of the range. The Tetons are an iconic mountain range, instantly recognizable if you’re familiar with them. My wife and I had passed through just over twenty years ago on our way to visit Yellowstone.

Tetons in the distance. We’d be on the other side by the end of the day.
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Once we left the pavement the surface became very bumpy - either loose golf ball sized rocks or washboard so the going was slow. As it started to ease into smoother packed dirt two bikepackers caught up with us as we were stopped for a break. We rode with them for a bit but they were faster so we dropped back and stopped for lunch. We saw them again at the Teton National Park visitors center and at the Colter Bay campground where we stopped for the day.  They’re doing the Divide but with a different approach: shorter distances per day but at a faster pace while riding, more (as in some) rest days, and they took the Tour Divide route rather than the GDMBR in Canada which made that section a lot harder for them.

Crossing to the other side of the range was spectacular.
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The views along the final stretch looking out over Jackson Lake to the Tetons were so good it was hard not to stop too often. We really wanted to get to Colter Bay with enough time to do laundry and have showers. So far so good on that front.

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Showers, laundry, and pizza., and we’ll still be in our tents by 9pm. Efficiency and teamwork are still what make this work.

Colter Bay is a lot like Yosemite Village.
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Joanne RobertsonThat’s a big pizza!
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1 month ago

A note on food: Andrew is so good at meal planning and shopping that trying to share that task would slow us down, so while he’s in grocery stores I stay with bikes and do something like lubing the bike chains, or getting organized to carry the food haul, or make a few notes for the journal. He does most of the cooking so I deal with the dishes generally.

Rough progress map:

Rough progress map. Destination in red.
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Today's ride: 104 km (65 miles)
Total: 1,737 km (1,079 miles)

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Thomas RussellNot sure about your energy out but it appears your calorie intake is keeping up
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1 month ago