July 9, 2011
Day 70 Bayfield to Ashland, Wisconsin: Hello again, Highway 2
With Bayfield we finally struck the level of 'quaint' we had been looking for as we circled the peninsula. Bayfield is quaint, it is Uber Quaint. There are beautiful houses, boats, restaurants and shops, a big stone library, art galleries, etc. All is set in an environment of some level and some hills, that allows for the optimal placement of all the parts.
We had planned it so we could go to the farmers' market, which we did. There were only five vendors, but two had strawberries!
After that we toddled over to the Egg Toss for breakfast. It was very crowded and we shared a table with a young couple. The prices were 20-30% higher than usual, but the quality was 10-20% higher, so overall it was ok.
We had talked about making it a rest day in Bayfield, but found that we were now eager to get going. So we got going and headed for Washburn. On the way we ran into a bakery and scored a zucchini loaf. The quality of bakeries has been steadily improving as we get further East.
We did not form much impression of Washburn as we only stopped for a short time. Still, we met a number of people, answered UQs, and handed out our card. We like doing this to boost our hit count, which we are tracking daily.
Bucking a headwind we made our way back down to our favourite, highway 2. Level, with a wide shoulder. Mmmmmm.
Before long we were in the outskirts of Ashland and followed the sign to Prentice Park. There we found a nice campground, but also a giant covered gazebo.
We went into town to find a restaurant. Someone recommended the Deepwater Grill and it turned out to be a great call. Our entrees featured 'real' and well prepared and seasoned chicken and beef, properly cooked vegetables, real mashed potatoes, etc. It was actually the best food we had found in the two months, and an easy match for anything we know about in Victoria.
In the next booth was Will, Stacey, and their son Mason. Will, we learned, had hiked the Appalachian Trail and Stacey was from the Canadian side of Sault St Marie. They said 'We know you don't know us from Adam, but would you like to stop at our place in Ironwood?'
Back at the Park we waited till almost dark and set up under the shelter. The gazebo also has power, and the netbook on which I am writing this is happy as anything.
Also nearby are three artesian wells, and the park man extolled the quality of the water. This is stuff you would pay big bucks for in a bottle.
Our plan is for a 9 o'clock bedtime and 4 a.m. wake up. This way we hope to beat the heat. In our gazebo we are immune from any thunderstorms, so all is well with the expedition tonight.
Today's ride: 40 km (25 miles)
Total: 4,088 km (2,539 miles)
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