Day 74 - still at Buffalo, SD - The Great Plains Trail - Sort Of - CycleBlaze

July 27, 2023

Day 74 - still at Buffalo, SD

The two hayfever pills I took last night did help with my sleep. I woke up at 7:02am to a very pleasant, cooler morning. At 7:50am I headed to Blossoms and Brew for breakfast. This morning it was French toast with bacon and coffee.

The SuperValu Store was open now, so I went across the street to buy stuff to battle this cold - medicine, Kleenex, and lemonade. I had the opportunity to talk to the store owner. The building to the west used to be a drugstore with a soda fountain. Now that room, which has a doorway to the grocery store, is used by local residents, who bring their own coffees and sit down to chat. As I was checking-out I noticed one of the articles in the local newspaper stating how bad the grasshoppers are out here this year. So I bought that paper for reading later. What the paper came in handy for today was swatting at the fly that got trapped in my tent and wouldn't leave me alone during the nap I was trying to take at 10:30am.

The rest of the morning and into the afternoon I was moving this camp chair to stay in the shade as I worked on posting reports to the journal. The camp hostess was out and I asked how the campground got its name Three Toes Campground. Three Toes was the name given to a notorious wolf who lived in this area in the 1910s and 1920s. He'd had an injury early on which left one paw with only three toes. He was quite good at killing farm and ranch animals. The farmers and ranchers knew it was him by the paw prints he'd leave. So the campground owners named the campground after the wolf, not realizing at the time that Three Toes Street is the name of the road that runs past the side of their campground. I took a photo of a wolf statue yesterday at Centennial Park. That statue recognizes Three Toes.

With the fly in the tent gone, I had a more successful nap between 4:00pm and 4:45pm. After that I headed back to No. 3 Saloon for supper. Tonight I had a fish hoagie sandwich, chocolate milk, and a caramel sundae. 

Posted another report when I got back to the campsite, then rode a couple blocks north of town to get a sunset picture. Due to cloud cover, I think I was almost too late. 

I did take a picture today of the progress the campground owner is making on the new showerhouse. I do believe he'll have it done in a month, seeing how diligent he works.

The cold medicine I bought this morning is supposed to work for 12 hours. In half an hour I'll take another dose, though I can't really say it's doing much good. I've been coughing a lot today. A church friend sent me an email this morning telling me about the time he was sick on his cross-country trip. He saw a doctor at the time, who told him if he didn't take it easy, the cold he had could turn into something much worse. I hadn't given any thought to that. I don't feel like bicycling right now. I guess I'll wait and see how I feel in the morning.


Spent: $10 (campsite) + $13.26 plus $3 (breakfast) + $39.54 (cold medicine, tissue, lemonade) + $1.25 (newspaper) + $14.75 plus $4 (supper) = $85.80

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Showerhouse progress.
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Bill ShaneyfeltAnother day off...

My high school distance coach told me: "Listen to your body."

Sometimes I wish I heard better.
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10 months ago
Rich FrasierWhat Bill said. You need to give your body a chance to recover! Don't push too hard!
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10 months ago