Day 5 - still at Breese, IL - The Great Plains Trail - Sort Of - CycleBlaze

May 19, 2023

Day 5 - still at Breese, IL

Out of my motel bed at 6:30am this morning. Walked across the highway to MotoMart for a to-go coffee. Worked on Day 3 report till 7:50am, when I walked east a few blocks to PJ's Diner.

The diner was busy. They have 50's music playing to match their decor. My country fried steak breakfast (called Jo's Special) was good. I'm just now figuring out that ketchup goes good with hash browns.

When I got back to the motel, I called my wife. It took 23 minutes to catch up on all that's going on.

Near 9:45am, I called the motel number to see if I could stay here another night. Rain is predicted for this afternoon and overnight, but more importantly, I want time to get caught up on journal postings. I got no answer, nor even an answering machine. A little later I asked a room cleaning worker. She was able to get me set up for another night, but I'd need to pay at the office, which is in the restaurant next door and opens at 11:00am. I'm impressed with this cleaner - my room was in top order last night when I arrived. Later I noticed she was even sweeping the parking lot edges where tree seed debris had piled up.

After paying for my second night, I walked back to MotoMart for a cookie and a cup of Ski, a Southern Illinois soda I'd learned about on previous trips through this area. Now for some serious report writing. Mostly done by 4:00pm.

The afternoon had turned cloudy, but so far, no rain.

At 4:30pm, I checked the bike. No loose bolts, no debris (that I see) in the tires, and they're still at 70psi, where they were before I left Morton. Rolled the bike outside to oil the chain. The brand of lube I'm using this trip is Rock "N" Roll Gold. After application, its directions say to let sit overnight. Next I got out my spare PN-60, to allow it time to lock-in. That didn't take long at all.

Time for supper after all that. Walked next door to the inn part of the Knotty Inn and Motel. Had a hamburger with bacon, coleslaw, and cherry pie.

Back at my room, I worked on today's report, hoping to get completely caught up before I head out in the morning.

An 8:45pm update: I found my "lost" GPS! It was in the front basket, hiding beneath my front bag! Of course, the batteries are dead, but it did record the track all the way here. I'm smiling, big time!


Spent: $1.81 (coffee) + $16.84 plus $4 (breakfast) + $93 plus $5 (motel room) + $3.07 (cookie, Ski) + $18.19 plus $3.81 (supper) = $145.72

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Jeff LeeLooks like what my wife and I call a "good bike touring motel."
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1 year ago
Jeff TeelTo Jeff LeeJeff,
Yes! Reasonably priced room at ground level, restaurant next door, and gas station/convenience store across the street.
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1 year ago
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Timothy SwitzerMust have ketchup for hashbrowns!! (unless there's sausage gravy to put over them) :-)
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1 year ago
Jeff TeelTo Timothy SwitzerTim,
You're right! They're much better that way, I'm finding out.
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1 year ago