Day 33 - ending at Brownfield, TX - The Great Plains Trail - Sort Of - CycleBlaze

June 16, 2023

Day 33 - ending at Brownfield, TX

Day 33 - Lubbock, TX to Brownfield, TX
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Today wasn't going to as scenic as past days. It was basically get from Point A to Point B. I'd be heading southwest all day on highway US-62 to get to Brownfield, Texas. Once in Brownfield, I was going to see if there was a way I could tent camp in the city's park, which is set up for RV camping.

It was cold at 5:10am this morning when I got up, so I put on my jacket on for a while. I received a free coffee and donut from the camp store at 8:30am. Got report posted for yesterday. I was on my way at 10:37am.

I had a few miles routed going west and south to try to bypass the busier sections of the northwest side of Lubbock. It didn't take long for a detour to change those plans, and I ended up on a main road heading south straight to US-62. It wasn't too busy, probably because of the time of day. I saw there was a Cracker Barrel ahead. That would work for breakfast. Once inside, it felt like I was back home in Morton, eating out with my friends George and Kris. I ordered one of my favorite meals - Grandma's Sampler, plus sweet tea. As I left I received a cup of ice for my thermos.

Noon mileage was 7.8 miles. I wasn't real concerned, I had the mileage figured to Brownfield as 42.

Along this busier part of US-62 there's frontage/access roads. I rode on the access road for a while, then got on the main highway.

At 12:45pm I wondered why the steering was so wobbly, then realized I had a front tire flat. It was only a short walk across grass from the main highway shoulder to the access road, which would be a better place to work on the flat. It was actually a very nice place - next to a lake. Later I found out it is a city park of Wolfforth - Patterson Park. Once I got the tube removed, I walked down to the pond and put it under water. The patch I put on a few days ago was leaking! The patch was crinkled somewhat, and air was coming out at two different places. That got me wondering if the patches I am using are too old. I replaced the tube and was on my way 59 minutes later. But I didn't get far. I stopped at a pavilion in Patterson Park for break in the shade. Then I continued on the access road as far as it went until merging back onto the highway.

The wind was from the east and I was going southwest, so it was helping. I passed through Ropesville at about 3:25pm. I hit some sandy spots along the shoulder there and almost tipped over. A little farther down the road at 3:31pm, I realized I had a flat rear tire. This wasn't going to be as good a spot to work, though it did have shade. Once again I found nothing that would have caused the flat, but this was also a patched tube. And its patch was wrinkly. So I replaced the tube with a new one. This time I spent 71 minutes not moving.

When I got started again, I noticed the wind was now from the south. I had 17 miles to go. I have one of my longest days planned for tomorrow. I was thinking I would get to Brownsville early, get the report done, and be all ready for an early start in the morning. Now, I wasn't going to be in Brownfield that early, so decided to get a motel, to at least save the time that camping adds.

At 6:59pm, I arrived at Red Sands Motel. Got registered to stay in room #4. It's an older place that has a full kitchen, which I won't be using except to fill my water jug at the sink.

The motel owner said that the Mexican restaurant next door - Taqueria Jesus Maria - was a good place to eat, so I walked over there. Had Dinner #10: three quesadillas and sweet tea. It was very good, and just the right amount of food.

When I got back to the motel room, I put water in the sink and checked the rear tire tube removed this afternoon. It was leaking at its patch also! I have to admit this griped me a little. I only have one unpatched spare tube left. I need to find a different style of patch that will let me fix these inner tubes.

At 8:45pm I walked several blocks west to see if I could get a clear view of the sunset. Wasn't really able to.

I worked a little on picture selection for today's report they went to bed at 10:45pm, hoping to wake up early tomorrow morning for my long day.


Spent: $1.79 (Gatorade) + $14.59 plus $4 (breakfast) + $55 plus $5 (motel room) + $17.32 plus $5 (supper) = $102.70

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Nancy GrahamTwo flat tires, one right after the other is just not right! Sorry for this, but you do seem good at changing. Now to get some decent patches.
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11 months ago
Jeff TeelTo Nancy GrahamNancy,
I agree with you on everything, except I wish I had a shorter turn-around time.
Being this reply is a few days late, I'm able to tell you that I bought a glue-style patch kit today.
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11 months ago
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Today's ride: 40 miles (64 km)
Total: 1,383 miles (2,226 km)

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Bill ShaneyfeltYou probably already know this, but it is going to start turning brown around you soon. Desert riding in the summer! That's how I grew up in Mojave, CA.
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11 months ago
Jeff TeelTo Bill ShaneyfeltBill,
I'm seeing that. It's all new to me.
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11 months ago