Elvas, Portugal rest day - Climbs, Castles, And Cobblestones in Spain And Portugal 2023 - CycleBlaze

June 30, 2023

Elvas, Portugal rest day

Even though we haven't been getting up early this trip, we still set the alarm. I LOVE no alarm clock days. We didn't really wake up until 9, and were thinking we should accomplish something with the day by almost noon. What I really needed to do was have my brakes looked at again. That little pin in the rim brake pads really was necessary. Yesterday I had to push the pad back in place several times. I often got off the bike to check if the pad was in place. Jacinto had torn the handlebar tape on his bike when he crashed, plus he has lost his gloves, one glove at a time. 

According to google, the only bike shop in town was open until 7, and was not closed for siesta. Jacinto tried to call, but it wouldn't go through. Google said it was five minutes riding or fifteen minutes walking to the shop. Jacinto wanted to walk the bikes! Excuse me, why would we walk when we could ride. Jacinto asked if I wanted him to wreck again on the cobblestones. These weren't the actual stone ones, these are more paver style. They aren't pavement, but they are rideable except for the steepest streets. I pouted around a little bit. I needed food. I ate a peach. It was amazing. I wonder if people here brag on their fruit like we do in the USA? Palisade peaches are famous in our area of Colorado.

We ended up walking the steepest street, and then sitting on the bikes and coasting down hill to the shop. I regretted that the entire distance, as I knew I would have to pedal all the way up. Unless we ended up walking. Ugh. It was hot already. We arrived at the store at 1:20 PM. He closed at 1 PM. Google led us wrong. We went across the street and had a very leisurely menu del dia. 12.50E each - mine was uninspiring. Soup that was more broth, plain white rice, fries, and a thin slice of beef with an egg on the top. Dessert was chocolate mousse. Jacinto had the fish, which came mixed up with pasta. It doesn't matter what we eat now - nothing will ever be as bad as those dry, tasteless sandwiches in Rodao. Jacinto said they shouldn't have been allowed to sell such a thing.

We coasted back to the bike shop. 3:03 PM. No one was there. But, the man soon showed up. We started out speaking English, but soon switched to Spanish. The brake pads for my rim brakes were only 1.69E each. At that price, let's replace the front ones! He told me they were still good, but what the heck. Jacinto ended up picking the most expensive, cushiest bar tape in the place, at 34E for the package. The tape is brick red and actually looks quite nice with his bike. We were in there for about an hour and paid 66E total. I think that was a very good price. Two more customers (?) came by and ended up hanging out and talking to us.

The ride back home was indeed a granny gear uphill in 36C temperatures (according to the bank building). But we didn't get lost even once. I'm so proud of google for leading us straight. 

After a couple of hours cooling off in the very nice AC, we walked next door to the pizza place to eat, and then walked to the grocery for a few things for the morning. I bought two more peaches, they were so good. I'm going to have to eat them before we leave. They won't travel. 

It's been a good rest day. We didn't do any touristing. I'm a failure as a tourist. If it's right in front of me, I appreciate it. I don't know how people have the energy to bicycle all day and then go see the sights. All I want to do is shower, eat, and relax! My helmet off to those with endless energy.

I like how this cutting board fits just right on the corner of the wall. We’ve had a couple of these cook tops with electronic controls. They are great except when I’m cleaning them and they turn on and off several times.
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These trough style sinks seem to be popular in Portugal. I like them.
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We visited the only bike shop in town. Friendly service, and great prices.
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The aqueduct was right across from the bike shop. What a view on the way to work every day!
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Jacinto now walks his bike down steep cobblestone streets!
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I wonder if our nice apartment is in a bad part of town. I say that because many of the buildings were in bad repair.
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We are still saltloading. The neighborhood grocery didn’t have pickles, but they had olives and mixed veggies.
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We did not choose the Mama Mia pizza, it had bacon, bananas, and chicken. I like pineapple on pizza, and I like fried bananas, but I just can’t make the jump to bananas on pizza.
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The streets are narrow here. It’s necessary to park very close to the wall. Passengers must either get out first or clamber over the seats.
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We had a downstairs apartment. I wouldn’t have liked hauling my bike up those stairs! Jacinto is trying to open the front door with the app on the phone. It worked, with more effort sometimes than others. We made sure to take both phones, just in case.
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Details on a building close to our apartment.
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The grocery store had two aisles that were narrow enough that you had to circle back around again if someone wanted past.
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A shopping area close to the apartment.
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The pizza place was two doors from us. We never would have known except for google.
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Wayne EstesYou didn't notice the Riga Pizza sign on the awning? The letters must be at least 1 inch tall.
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10 months ago
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Mike AylingPleased that you got the right split pin for your brake pads.
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11 months ago
Kelly IniguezTo Mike AylingThis has never been an issue in all of my years cycling, but I did keep one set of pins and pads, just in case! They’re small.
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11 months ago