Williamsville to Lockport - Senior Citizens Cycling East - CycleBlaze

June 19, 2024

Williamsville to Lockport

Familiar territory

We started today’s ride by backtracking about 15 miles of our ride into Williamsville, then turned and started on the Erie Canal trail.  We had ridden some of this stretch of trail in 2021, and it was in much better shape today than I remembered.  Today was our first really hot day, which felt like DC in July.  We were in Lockport before the worst of the heat, I had my best ice cream of the trip, and the hotel had a great outdoor pool, so I wasn’t suffering too much.

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Stan, Cindy, and I were waiting to ride out this morning when Nancy took this picture.

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This unusual-looking bridge, which I learned is called a Bascule bridge, has a visible counterweight to lift up the whole span of the bridge.  Apparently the bridge has only been opened once since its construction in 1919!

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These were just some scenes from along the trail in the morning.

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We had a day off in Lockport in 2021, so I spent a lot of time exploring the locks and learning about the canal.  Today I just briefly visited the locks and some of the statues commemorating the early days of the canal.

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Lake Effect Artisan Ice Cream was even better today than I remembered it.  This combination was special chocolate and Meyer lemon and so thick you could practically chew it. Yum!

Today's ride: 35 miles (56 km)
Total: 1,022 miles (1,645 km)

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