Welland to Niagara Falls - Senior Citizens Cycling East - CycleBlaze

June 15, 2024

Welland to Niagara Falls

So much to see

There was so much to see along the way that we didn’t arrive at our destination until almost 4:30 pm, unusually late for us.  In addition to lots of stops of interest, we had to proceed slowly on trails, as many people were out enjoying a lovely Saturday.

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I am always fascinated by canals, so I was delighted to ride almost the whole length of the Welland Canals.  We arrived at one lock to see a sailboat come in to the lock under power to share a very large lock, 766 feet long, with one other sailboat.  The second photo of the same lock was taken 5 minutes after the first; it takes only 8 minutes to release the water.

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A view of another lift bridge, which I went out on in order to look back up the canal to see the drop at a double lock.

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A little further down the canal, we arrived at a lock as a large freighter was heading up the canal.  It took up a lot more of the lock than the sailboats did.   Mooring in the locks for these large ships is done by creating a vacuum seal, no ropes involved.

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We turned right from the canal and rode through the beautiful town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.  We were briefly along the Lake Ontario shore, our fourth Great Lake of the trip. 

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As we rode south toward Niagara Falls, we were looking at New York State on the other side of the Niagara River.

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Hydropower is the name of the game around the Niagara River.  We saw about 100 years of power stations along the river.

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Several miles north of Niagara Falls is a very large ropes complex.  Even in my younger years, I don’t think I would have been tempted to try.  Just watching others was scary enough.

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The river bends and eddies at a spot known as the Whirlpool. Like most everything else around the Falls, it is beautiful but commercialized.

We made our way safely through town on a very busy Saturday afternoon.  I had forgotten how busy and crazy the city is.  On a plus side, with many Japanese tourists, there are many Japanese restaurants, and we had an excellent dinner.

Today's ride: 44 miles (71 km)
Total: 939 miles (1,511 km)

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