Northfield - Senior Citizens Cycling East - CycleBlaze

May 21, 2024


An Unexpected Day Off

Given that the forecast for today called for heavy rain, wind, hail, thunderstorms, and possible tornadoes, it seemed prudent not to do a 40 mile ride.  Instead we hunkered down at the motel, did laundry, and took advantage of a comfortable and little used lobby for reading and relaxing.

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So why did I take a photo of a bank?   In between storms, I ventured downtown to learn a little of Northfield’s outlaw history.  This bank was the last bank robbed by the James-Younger gang, led by Jesse James.  The community annually re-enacts the events of September 7, 1876, and the bank is now a museum.

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The robbery was not very successful. The cashier refused to open the safe, which is inside this vault door.  He was killed for his brave defense of the town’s money, and the outlaws found only $26.70, not the $15,500 in the safe.  The safe was unlocked, but they assumed it was locked and never tried the door. Two members of the gang were killed, and only Jesse James and his brother evaded capture.  Jesse returned to his life of crime and was killed in Missouri in 1882 by a member of his new gang. 

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We did have a tornado warning late in afternoon, but fortunately, I’m not aware of any tornadoes touching down near here.  We were advised to shelter in the bathroom, but since I was only a few feet from the door, I stayed more comfortably in the room.  
Tomorrow’s forecast is much better.

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Lisa RoneyBelieve those warnings. There have been many many many tornados in the midwest the last few days. Iowa seems to get the most. Stay safe!
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9 months ago