To Cochem. - All Roads Lead to Rhine 2024 - CycleBlaze

July 21, 2024

To Cochem.

After we arrived in Koblenz yesterday, we quickly set out to explore this incredible small city.  We weren't quite sure what to expect from Koblenz, but the charm and appeal of this place was not lost on us.

Koblenz, one of Germany's oldest cities, has been a significant strategic and commercial hub since Roman times due to its location at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. Its fortified structures, such as the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, played crucial roles in European military history. Additionally, Koblenz's rich cultural heritage, including its inclusion in the UNESCO Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage site, underscores its enduring historical and cultural significance.

We were charmed by Koblenz.  Every turn around the Altstadt led us from one open square, filled with cafes and wine bars, as locals and tourists alike sat and ate and drank.  Koblenz had this festive atmosphere to it and we really enjoyed our time wandering around.

(Liebfrauenkirche) Church of our Lady, Koblenz.
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Church of Our Lady. Koblenz.
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What solidified the festive atmosphere was when we accidentally stumbled upon the largest Biergarten we've ever seen.  Before we approached we heard kids screaming, and discovered a massive public water feature park where hundreds of kids were enjoying themselves and splashing about amidst the fountains; doing their best to try to keep cool in the heat.   Then right next to the water park, hundreds of adults sat at tables under the shade of giant Sycamore trees, with their own way to cool off; with giant beers.  So, we joined them.  

We love Germany for their orderly systems. Here are the beer guys. There only job is to serve beer. Then you take your beer to pay at another station. After you are finished with your beer, you return the empty glass to another window to get the Euro deposit back on your glass. So efficient.
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This is a view from one direction. If I had taken another picture from the opposite side, you would have seen three times as many people.
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Suzanne GibsonNice to see you appreciate the beer garden experience! The best beer gardens are in Bavaria, though. I hope you get good beer garden weather when you are back in Munich - I know the best ones.
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2 months ago
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Christy McTaitLovely to see your smiling faces, now that the missing panniers have been found and you're getting into your touring groove 😁❤️
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2 months ago
Susanna MulliganThanks Christy!. It really was a big relief to get the panniers. Without them it would have been such a hassle to replace all my carefully selected contents. The tour now is on track. Hooray 🎉
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2 months ago

These shots were taken from early this morning, just before we were to depart for Cochem.

Early morning look at the Rhine and the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress. If you look carefully, you can see the gondola line crossing the river running up to it on the left.
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The confluence of the Moselle and Rhine. Moselle on the left.
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I wasn't quite sure what this guy was doing up there at 6am. But, an interesting shot, nonetheless. There's a story there, I think.
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So, now let's get to today's adventure to Cochem.

Pan flat river riding again.
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After wandering around in the early morning hours, I returned to our hotel and Sue was already getting packed up for today's ride.

After a hearty breakfast, we were soon on the road before 8am.  I must mention the surprise cloudburst that occurred during breakfast, however.  Sue turned to me to say, "Is it raining?".  Since I was out earlier and there appeared to be no signs of rain at all, I dismissed it and thought the hotel staff were using the hose to wash down the patio.  But, when I looked outside it did rain a good bunch during breakfast.  It didn't last long, but it did make us a little more attentive and aware of the looks of the sky as to what the weather was going to do this morning.  

Once we were off, we crossed to the west side of the Moselle and made our way south.  The sky ahead showed that tell-tale ominous deep purple colour, so we kept a close eye on the sky, and for any shelter along the side of the road for when it might needed.

Getting ready to push off from Hotel Sander. Highly recommended. Those are the secured bike storage boxes on the right where I had to wrestle four e-bikes out of there before we could get our bikes out. Man, they're heavy.
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Jacquie GaudetI just noticed--no sticker-bike! Did somebody get a new bike or did it get a refinish?
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2 months ago
Patrick O'HaraTo Jacquie GaudetGood catch Jacquie. I stripped the sticker off of Sue's bike of all the cols we've been over. I have an art project in mind for them. Gold star for being so observant.
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2 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Patrick O'HaraYou did a nice job! Gold star for you too!
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2 months ago
Patrick O'HaraTo Jacquie GaudetHa ha. I'm going to make a collage of the col stickers. Thanks 👍
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2 months ago
Sue crossing over the Moselle with Koblenz on the right.
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Then, that shelter to escape the rain was needed.  And, perfect timing too.  A bridge overpass did the trick when the sky opened up, and the rain came down in sheets and torrents.  After about 15 minutes the storm cell passed and we were on our way.

Look at that sky.
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Today was a day moseying along the Moselle through quaint riverside villages.  It was a day of full vineyards rising above the river, castles and river cruise boats slowly cruising along.  Pretty idyllic.

What was strange about today's route was the separated two-way cycle path that occupied the left hand side of the road; which meant that we were cycling into oncoming traffic with only plastic bollards and a foot or so of a grassy gap that separated us from approaching  vehicles.  It seemed safe enough, but we never took our gaze off of the oncoming drivers faces as they approached.  I was always looking for those distracted or unpredictable drivers.  Being Sunday, there was not much traffic. But, from our experience German drivers like to drive fast, and it was unsettling at times to be riding towards vehicles approaching you at over 120kms an hour.  But, really we've been on worse roads.

Like this for most of the day. Not entirely horrible, but when heading towards speeding traffic, it will keep you alert.
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But, overall today was full of wonderful sights and we made our sinewy way along the Moselle towards Cochem.  All in all, it was a pretty easy cycle day.

Just before the town of Winningen.
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Winningen Wine?
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Looking across the Moselle to the town of Dieblich.
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Just past Winningen, on our way to Kobern-Gondorf.
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Kathleen ClassenWe stayed in Kobern-Gondorf on our first cycle tour. We had a wonderful room in the tiny town and I loved the whole place so will never forget it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
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2 months ago
Looking across the Moselle to the town of Alken.
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The big industry around here.
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Beautiful vineyards.
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Villages straddling the Moselle today.
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Looking across the Moselle towards Dieblich, Germany
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Probably an old toll gate on way to the town of Lehman.
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Approaching Cochem.
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Cochem from the bridge crossing the Moselle.
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We'll give you an update tomorrow on our afternoon wandering around Cochem.  That's it for today.  A good day on the road.

Today's ride: 55 km (34 miles)
Total: 198 km (123 miles)

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Rachael AndersonThat’s funny that after I mentioned rain, I’m now reading you got rain.
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2 months ago