Yarram to Rosedale - Geelong a Continuation - CycleBlaze

April 19, 2024

Yarram to Rosedale

The day started well. There was rain overnight but it cleared off while I was packing up

I headed out to Tarra Valley Rd, the day was going to be a big one with lots of up. The elevation profile was like a normalise curve. Flat then up, up and down, down into Rosedale. 

Rainbow to start the day
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I don't go the direct route to Tarra valley Rd as that involves going on the C484, so I take an slightly different route that puts me on a gravel road for a short way. Once I join the Tarra Valley Rd I'm passed by 4 trucks all empty, I wonder where they are going, my route was meant to avoid them.

Gravel road to get to Tarra valley Rd
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The Tarra valley Road was so pretty. It meanders along next to the Tarra River.

Road works, interesting
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I found the trucks
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I found the trucks, they are doing some patching of the asphalt. The lollipop guy waves me through.

Stringy Bark tree
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I take the advice and walk Lexi over the bridge, some of the gaps could fit her tires in
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All the bridges have seen better days.
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There is a dog friendly retreat, complete with a cute letter box. 

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The road continues to enchante.

So green
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I stop at Tarra falls they aren't that exciting but I don't care as the whole space is lovely.

Tarra Falls, let's take a look
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Not that exciting
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And then disaster strikes. I'm 27kms and 500m from my start point today and the road is closed!!!

They have dug it up and put in channels to improve drainage, I can't even walk through 

Is this for real
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Apparently I missed the closed road sign because I didn't take the C484 and although I did see a couple of detour signs I didn't realise they were for me. I'm shocked and sad. All that effort wasted.  My only option is to turn around and go all the way back down.

On the way back I talk to the lollipop man. He gives me a plan on how to ride too Rosedale that doesn't include the A440 to Sale, as it's bound to have lots of traffic and be very unpleasant to cycle.

I stopped at the Devon North tennis court club and puzzle out my route. I hindsight I should have stuff closer to the lollipop guys suggestion. 

I rang the Rosedale caravan park hoping for a cabin as I'm going to be arriving later than I like. Turns out they are completely booked out, not even a camp site available, crap! They suggest the Coach Lamp Motel. I give them a ring and they have a room. Thank goodness.

I set off at 12:30pm with another 60kms and 600 m elevation to ride, oh dear thats a normal days ride not an afternoon ride.

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The C482 has more traffic than I like, but it's manageable and there is often a shoulder to ride in. I hope my battery lates. The elevation profile is now more like up and down, and up and down again.

After a while I turn off onto the C453. The lollipop guys said I should continue to Gormandale but Komoot and Google maps say the C453 is a better option and it probably would be if I'd started with a full battery and not already cycled 40kms. But I'm over the traffic. So I then turn onto Tom Cap Rd, a gravel road.

Lots of big banksia trees
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The road is a slow sand base and before I realised it I've gone through my battery and I'm 27kms from my destination. I turned it off with 4kms estimated range left. I thought might need it. I'm tired but determined.

Down a nice long hill taking my time as it's a bit rough and sandy. Then Lexi catches in a sand patch, swerves and I fall off. I did a lovely roll and end up sitting on the road. Honestly can this day get any worse. I'm upset, but nothing is damaged on me or Lexi. 

I pause for a bit collect myself, have a snack and we're off again.

Further a long I find this. See photo below 

ROAD CLOSED - Are you f*cking kidding me.
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No lovely highvis vest person guarding this road. No sign is stopping me, lol.

Water damage
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There must have been lots of water through here, the road is damaged but nothing a bike can't get around.

We push on.

Out onto pine plantations I keep cycling and when needed I walk. It's tough going . I use the battery to walk Lexi up a particular steep bit of road and we finally made it back onto the bitumen.

Pine plantations
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Julie KenworthyNot sure about the pine plantations all I notice is the upcoming. Tough days ride. Congrats for pushing through the challenges
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2 weeks ago
Julie KenworthyTo Julie KenworthyTypo meant upcoming hill
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2 weeks ago
Brianna DallTo Julie KenworthyLol, yes I had a few choice words. I was very much focusing on get it done as I was so over that day it would have been easy to have just given up, but I wanted a hot shower more.
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2 weeks ago
That looks steep
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9kms roughly down hill on the bitumen and into Rosedale. I'm exhausted. The Motel lady is lovely even though I'm a mess. I dust of everything before bringing it inside and fall into a hot shower.

They aren't tan lines. What a mess.
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Eat and into bed, it's wonderful 😊 

Today's ride: 104 km (65 miles)
Total: 501 km (311 miles)

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Brianna DallThanks Mike, it was a tough day.
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1 month ago
Wendy NeadleyWow, what a day! You're a tough cookie, well done 🏅
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1 month ago