Marshalltown to Waterloo - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 10, 2022

Marshalltown to Waterloo

Introducing People we Meet

Best riding  weather yet! Cool in the am with cloud cover (no sun beating down and light tail wind.  No trails but good county roads with small or no shoulders. Very light traffic which gives the drivers plenty of space to pull out as they pass. Iowa drivers are really courteous to bikers and it is much appreciated. If a car is coming in the opposite direction they slow to our pace and wait to pass until the other lane is clear.

In this journal entry I reintrocuce a "The People We Meet". One of the best things about these trips we take is the brief encounters with people along the way who share a little about who they are and what they do. It's very special and I ask to take their photos, let them know I would like to post it in my journal, and ask for their first names. So here they are:

Meet Nancy, the cashier at the gas station convenience store where we stopped for cold drinks and bathrooms. She graciously greeted and served about eleven of us with a smile. We chatted about the heat! She was really nice.
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And this is Keith, a retired farmer whose son runs the farm now. They grow corn and soy and 30,000 hogs a year! We also chatted about the heat with Keith. A nice man!
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And meet Erica, the receptionist at the Suburban Extended Stay where we stayed just one night. She helped us through the "lost John's back pack" crisis (resolved when we found it) and then helped us get our television working. She was a jack of all trades, used to be a long distance truck driver, lives and works at the motel with her two huskies, and close with her mother who heads housekeeping. She has one daughter! We chatted for quite a while.
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Today's ride: 62 miles (100 km)
Total: 319 miles (513 km)

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