Annawan to Peru - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 16, 2022

Annawan to Peru

Very long trail ride!

Some of us think this was the toughest day so far. Tough in a different way than the early cold and headwinds and the heat. This was tough riding as this half of our Hennepin Trail ride was difficult. The trail is not well maintained, rough, and rocky for 28 miles. John and Stan and I rode together. Stan had two flats resulting from the rough trail. Everyone had bike issues due to the very bumpy riding. It was frustrating and we were so glad when we reached the trail head and got on some very nice county roads! We were all so tired when we got to the motel, we just collapsed.

A bright spot on the ride was when we encountered these two riders on lovely horses with their dog leading the way. They told us that they do long distance horse back rides but probably wouldn't be going to DC as we are.
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Another bright spot was that in this section we saw many locks (no longer in use). But interesting for sure.This was at the up canal point.,,
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And this was leaving the lock. That's our trail on the right.
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The first flat. So frustrating!
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Today's ride: 55 miles (89 km)
Total: 578 miles (930 km)

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