Day 21: Hann River to Manning Gorge - A happy ride around Australia (third attempt) - CycleBlaze

June 16, 2022

Day 21: Hann River to Manning Gorge

Start: 8 am
Distance: 63 km
Ride time:4:05 hours
Average: 15 km/hr
Max: 29km/hr
Finish: 1:30 pm

Morning road pic.
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Unnamed river.
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Nice escarpment.
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Cycling with the escarpments is pretty cool. Very different from Canberra landscape. 

The road was mostly flat again today. Some smooth sections and some bumpy sections.

I was hot and then a kind person stopped and gave me a cold bottle of water. I sculled it to help cool me down.

I had intended to camp at Barnett River Gorge but somehow I missed the turnoff. I don't know how it happened. 

Barnett River crossing.
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I carried my bike across this.
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Soon after I arrived at the Barnett River roadhouse. I bought 2 sweet cold drinks and 2 salad sandwiches for lunch.

Here I paid for camping at Manning Gorge. It is 7kms behind the roadhouse. It's a sandy and bumpy road.

There are some facilities here including 1 free powerpoint. I was very happy to be able to charge up my devices. And also happy to have a shower and a shave. I was starting to look pretty rough.

This is a very busy campsite.

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Veronica Joinerit was one of our favourite camps on the Gibb but it had a lot of 3 cornered jacks which would get stuck in your shoes or bike tyre not that we cycled there.
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2 years ago
Vince McCarthyI was lucky and never saw any.
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2 years ago
There is a lovely swimming hole.
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The gorge is a 3hr return walk. Too far for me at the end of a hot day.

This grey butcherbird was hanging around my campsite.
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Grey butcherbird

While I was charging my devices I got talking to Mary and Borris, both keen cyclists. They are on one of the bus tours. We spoke for a bit and then went our separate ways.

10 minutes later Borris returned with a cold cider for me. 

So kind.
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Today's ride: 63 km (39 miles)
Total: 1,019 km (633 miles)

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