Samarqand to Dushanbe (4/X); 8th June - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Samarqand to Dushanbe (4/X); 8th June

8th June 

We woke up at 6:30 to try and climb over Anzob Pass. Omar and his wife brought out breakfast — bread, coffee, and warmed up milk from the cow. 

We said goodbye and took some photos. They were a very warm couple who made us feel very comfortable and welcome in their home, simply because we were visitors. We offered 100 som, about £10, which was refused. 

We set off for the pass. Omar had advised us to use the tunnel instead. But the pass is a high one, at 3400 M, and as it’s no longer maintained, not really used. The possibility of Mountain View’s on a quiet road was too good to pass up. 

The climb up was very challenging. Mainly loose gravel, and towards the top, some rockfall which meant we had to push. Average moving speed of about 5/kmh. 

Unfortunately, about 2KM from the top, the road was packed with snow, making it impassable on a bike. A bit disappointing, but we had to turn back. 

After passing through Anzob village again, we re-entered the red canyon, where we were also chased by a vicious dog which bared its teeth as it ran alongside us. 

We got to the bottom where the road met the main road and started putting out hand out fit trucks or vans in order to their a lift. 

After about 20 mins a van stopped. I ran up and said ‘Dushanbe?’ And he said ‘Dushanbe, yes’.  We stuck the bike in the back alongside the loosed vegetables he was carrying and squeezed next to a father and son who had gotten a lift from Aini. 

He drove us all the way to Dushanbe. We cycled about 5km to the Green House Hostel where we met Pierre, David and Tjalen again and exchanged stories of the last couple of days. 

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