Samarqand to Dushanbe (1/X); 5th June - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Samarqand to Dushanbe (1/X); 5th June

5th June 

MayLyn, David and I left B&B Bahodir this morning. I’d had a great stay there — today’s breakfast was fried eggs with buckwheat, bread with butter and jam, some morning pastries. It’s a really nice place to stay, with the dining room/ socialising space built around a courtyard with garden. 

Courtyard in hostel
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We crossed the border into Tajikistan with no problems and had lunch at a bus stop. A few km’s after lunch MayLyn and I said goodbye to David. His plan is to catch up with Pierre and Tjalen and cycle the Bartang Valley with them. After saying goodbye, we went to the Sarazm, which has an excavation of a settlement from a few thousand years ago, to shelter from the extremely heavy rain. 

We got SIM cards in Panjakent, and debated staying there or pushing on. We decided to continue, and ended up camping at the same spot David found on iOverlander. On the way here, we were invited in for a cup of tea whilst snacking outside a grocery store, but we decided to turn it down and continue cycling. The group of women seemed extremely amused and happy at the sight of the tandem. 

The mountains are in the near distance, and I’m very excited about the next stage of this trip. Goodbye desert! 

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