Khiva to Bukhara; (4/x); 26/06 - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Khiva to Bukhara; (4/x); 26/06

Sunday 26th May 

The headwinds turned against us and we averaged about 15km/h.

It was a pretty uninspiring day. We had lunch under the bus shelter of a roadside shop, where I had a few cups of instant coffee where the contents of the sachet must be over 50% sugar. 

There was, however, a decent toilet with running water, for a few of 2000 som (about 20 pence) in an honesty box.  Uzbekistan doesn’t seem to have any free public toilets by the roadside like they did in Kazakhstan, which consisted of a pit toilet in an outhouse by the roadside. 

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After lunch we slowly moved ahead. Late in the afternoon we decided to call it a day. 

Again there did not seem to be any places to shelter from the wind that night. Tjalling spotted a long, large mound that looked like it had been deposited there as a result of digging a trench. We pushed out bikes towards it turned out to be a good place to camp, with the mound offering decent protection from the wind which was due to continue through the night. 

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Pierre also helped us make an adjustment to the tent. The Mutha Hubba doesn’t stake down well in loose material, as in order to stake the sidewalls you have to pull down on the tent’s fly sheet — unless you are staking in firm soil, the fly sheet just pulls up. We had some string, so he tied an additional loop to the tent’s sidewall hoop that allows it to be staked without pulling down on the fly. 

It is a good  solution to what is in my opinion a design flaw in the tent. 

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