Dushanbe to Khalai Khumb (4/X); 13 June - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Dushanbe to Khalai Khumb (4/X); 13 June

13th June 

MayLyn and I both felt unwell in the morning, so the boys went ahead and we decided to rest. As they were leaving I vigorously vomited what seemed like the last 24 hours of food and drink. 

I suspect it was the eggs we’d cooked the day before for lunch. We have been cooking them with the yolk still runny since the start of the trip, and I think our luck ran out yesterday. 

We rested on the outside platform for the whole day, mainly sleeping. The family brought us food, for lunch a pasta with tomatoes and cucumber. Tasted good but I had no appetite — any other day I’d have eaten it all up, but I could only manage a few spoonfuls. 

The father doctor insisted I have a drip — I was reluctant to take it, but didn’t think there could be much harm in doing so. Soon after I did start to feel better, and rested well for the rest of the day. 

We moved inside for the night and had a good nights sleep. It’s now morning and we’re both feeling much better. Should cycle again today, probably a shorter day of cycling. 

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