Beineu to Nukus; (5/X); 14/05 - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Beineu to Nukus; (5/X); 14/05

Tuesday 14th May. Zhaslik to somewhere in desert

Firstp 50 ish KMs again on perfectly smooth concrete. This stopped for the last section where it was back to bumpy roads.

We turned off a side road and found somewhere to camp. The side road continued up to a site where they are drilling for oil. As we were cooking dinner one of the trucks to the site went by and the guy waved. About 45 mins later, on his return trip, he got out his truck and came for a chat. 

He was quite interested in what we were doing, where we had come from. For large periods he just watched us go about cooking, chatting, playing chess — I guess it’s not often he finds 5 foreigners camping in the desert. 

The two British guys we are travelling with have cycled from the U.K, although they met each other in Georgia. They are both into chess, so the lunchtimes and evenings have involved chess sessions.

Hung a tarp between two bikes to create shade for a lunch spot and chess
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A turtle in the desert. It was looking for shade and actually ran to my bike to wheel shelter from the sun
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Evening camp spot
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