Beineu to Nukus; (3/X); 12/05 - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

May 12, 2024

Beineu to Nukus; (3/X); 12/05

Sunday 12th — rest day Karalpakia.

I woke up around 7 and the storm had started. There was no way we could have cycled in it, it was incredibly strong. I was very glad we had the a roof over our heads that night. 

All five of us were bundled into a room in the chaikhana, one of the dining rooms. We didn’t open the window as the wind would have thrown dust in, but there there was no other ventilation which made the room quite stuffy and slightly uncomfortable. 

Morning scene from the chaikhana.
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We were allowed to use the owner’s shower room. The right hand side is cold water, the left bucket is warm, warmed from the pipe it is sitting on.
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In the midst of the storm, cows struggling
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