Beineu to Nukus; (1/X); 10/05 - From Aqtau - CycleBlaze

From From Aqtau

By Ken ..

Beineu to Nukus; (1/X); 10/05

Friday 10th May

Cycled 77km. 

Left hotel — I really liked our stay in Beinue and was tempted to stay another night, if only to get to use the Russian spa the hotel had to offer which I didn’t get to use. 

We met three other cyclists today — they had gotten the train from Shepte and arrived in Beinue yesterday — two Brits and a guy from the Netherlands (I think). 

We leapfrogged each other a few times during the day, and ended up camping at the same spot. 

It’s a lovely campspot — the sunset was beautiful, the moon came out, and the train runs about 1km. One of the guys has brought a portable chess set, which was fun to play. 

Uzbekistan tomorrow. 

Leaving Beineu
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Long straight road
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Camp spot
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