Loop to Colmar - French Pootle - CycleBlaze

June 8, 2024

Loop to Colmar

First, I want to say happy 33rd anniversary to my dear wife BJ, who was okay with me being in a different part of the world today. Don’t tell her but I bought a special gift for her, a stork magnet that will look great on our refrigerator.

My plan was to take the day off from riding, but I was feeling antsy, didn’t want to stay in the room, I was bored, and also I guess a bit homesick for some reason. 

Everything’s better when you’re on a bike, right? So I whipped up a loop to go see a bit of Colmar and some of the landscape. I was not really inclined to go Colmar because of tourist crowds, and I also have gotten a real good feel for the half-timbered life right here in Eguisheim. But my host in Issenheim was aghast that I was not planning on going to Colmar. He spent some time going over a tourist map with me. Okay then. 

I thought I’d be able to get an early enough start to beat the crowds. I did not. When I got to Petite Venise and saw the crowds thickening, I knew I was too crabby to be around people so I headed out back to the countryside as fast as I could.

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Getting out of half-timbered Eguisheim was easy.
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Tired of poppies yet? Me neither.
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Karen PoretAnd even “Giants orange” color, Kathleen ! Score! :)
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3 months ago
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This is a weird-looking crop.
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Ah. Grapevine starts.
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My route turned onto a trail that went along the Lauch, which flows through Colmar. This is the good part even though it’s hard packed dirt.
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Do not go on the paved part of Lauch Werb unless you have good shocks. The patches have patches.
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Not sure what this crop is. Potatoes maybe?
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Just within Colmar city limits.
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Petite Venise, and the crowds just continued to thicken in the few minutes I was there.
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Karen PoretYup..too many people! :(
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3 months ago
Back to the vines. I love how the suburbs just end and the vineyards begin.
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Okay, Boomer.
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Nice little ride. Even if I was oblivious to the change in sky.
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Soon after I got back to Eguisheim a nice big thunderstorm let loose. I had no idea it was coming except in the vaguest sense. I keep forgetting, being a Californian where it doesn’t rain between May and October, that in other parts of the world it can start raining at any time, that it’s not the marine layer coming in but real clouds. 

I was having a glass of wine in the courtyard of my auberge when it started dumping. There were tarps above the tables to provide shade and rain cover, but they are not continuous. I had to move chairs at my table but was otherwise all right. When the lightning started, they moved everyone indoors for the rest of their service.

After it dried out I joined the smaller crowds walking around Eguisheim. I bought some easily packable tchotchkes for the folks back home such as that special fridge magnet. Can’t wait to see BJ’s face when she opens it. 

Update: she wasn’t impressed. Huh.
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Today's ride: 20 km (12 miles)
Total: 415 km (258 miles)

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Karen PoretEnjoy the rain, Kathleen..I am sure you have been told about the brutal hot weather we are having in CA now…( except, us coastal folks do get the cool down to sleep well at night..that’s why real estate is unreal) ;)
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3 months ago