October 14, 2021
Kia ora mai Aotearoa!
Hello from New Zealand!
Don´t worry! Although I have become familiar with those standard Maori language phrases over the last 22 months, I will certainly stick with English for this journal.
How to get started though? It´s been such a long time since I last posted something on my where-abouts as doing that was always directly related to an upcoming cycle trip. And that hasn´t happened for almost two years now since I last left South East Asia and that horrible pandemic has taken the whole world into its stranglehold.
Thanks to the strict measures of the New Zealand government the country was basically "clean" until the re-opening of the border related to the TransTasman bubble with neighbouring Australia in August 2021. Some returning traveller brought the Delta variant into New Zealand and as soon as that first case was identified the government stuck to its previously announced elimination strategy and put the country instantly back into a full lockdown. Now, 10 weeks later, the virus has not been erased but unfortunately my travel plans have.
I had all flights back to Germany (via Australia and Singapore) booked for the beginning of September but was obviously not able to leave the country. This is not a complaint though! Although I was and still am very disappointed I could not go "home" after such a long time of not seeing my family and friends I am extremely grateful to be where I am. I do disagree with some of the most recent restrictions put on "my" Northland region but we are all going through unprecedented times and everybody has to accept some limitations that do go against your very own interests I guess.
However, I loved every minute of all that fishing I have done recently but now I am very eager to finally get those wheels rolling again and it looks like Thailand is more or less opening its borders for international visitors from November. There will still be restrictions but the "Phuket Sandbox Model" has given them the confidence that allowing fully vaccinated international travellers into the country will be more support than threat to the local people.
Accordingly I changed my order of travel: South East Asia first, Europe for the 2022 spring and summer season. My flights into Bangkok via Hongkong are now booked for December 3 and I wish to spend the European winter in Thailand, if possible spiced up with some sidekicks into neighbouring countries (Cambodia? Malaysia?). In succession I will reunite with my family in Germany in March 2022. See whether all that works out this time but I am somehow confident..... Probably more wishful thinking than anything else but just pressing that "Create Journal" button certainly reactivated those dormant travel bugs :-).
Still a few weeks to go before I will board that Air New Zealand plane in Welington and although it is not directly related to cycling I wish to fill the gap until my departure by posting a couple of pages on how I spent those 2 years here in Aotearoa. Without any doubt one of the most attractive places on this planet!

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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Regarding my current whereabouts: After everything looked smooth for a while, Omicron surfaced....I do have arrived in Bangkok last night but what a PCR-test and quarantine marathon that was. I will fly down to Trang tomorrow and assess whether I can still go ahead with my route as intended or whether I have to focus on local rides and postpone this journal.
3 years ago