Montauban - Toulouse - The Grand Tour - 2023 - CycleBlaze

May 19, 2023

Montauban - Toulouse

First a picture from the day before yesterday in Cazals with Denise, our sweet hostess, who wished she had someone to go on bicycle tours with, but she is alone.

Denise and me, Cazals, chambre d'hôtes, Ombre et Fraicheur
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Charmaine RuppoltAww - maybe she can join you sometime on a tour? I'm sure she'd be fine riding on her own also. :)
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1 year ago

Today's story is quickly told. It's a short distance from our chambre d'hôtes to the beginning of our ride on the Canal Entre deux Mers all the way to Toulouse. It's straight, flat and after the first three or four kilometers, you have seen all there is to see. There are similar bridges or locks or intersections about every 500 meters. One interesting feature is when the canal bridge we are on crosses L'Hers-Mort, a tributary of the Garonne. The ride is a bit tedious and it's cold, with wind chill added to the low temps. I even have my booties on to keep my feet warm - but it doesn't rain. So I'm not really complaining, just stating the facts.

At the start
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This is what it looks like most of the day.
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Charmaine RuppoltWe have the C&O Canal here in DC, and it is similar...but I enjoy seeing the flowers and animals along the way, not to mention people to chat with that you run into. :)
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1 year ago
Good photo op, but who needs shade.
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Charmaine RuppoltYes, it'd be good on a hot day! When I ride on the C&O Canal here in DC in the summer, the temperature in the shade can cut the heat by at least 10-15 degrees. :) Makes it do-able. :)
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1 year ago
Lock keeper's cottage and lock
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Bridge, many more to come
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It was hard to illustrate the canal bridge we are on in the foreground and the river it is crossing below.
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The river we are crossing, full and muddy from heavy rains
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For the last kilometer or two we branch off onto the Canal du Midi before we take to the streets to our hotel. Bikes in the garage, lift to our room, all is well. Again today we nibbled bits of ginger bread caks and a cookie or two (we'll never learn to shop before we leave) and are looking forward to a meal in one of the many restaurants lining the boulevard and side streets outside our hotel. We choose a seafood place with lots of local atmosphere and start with a dozen oysters, very fresh and tasty. 

The equivalent to the Life of Riley in German is living "wie Gott in Frankreich", like God in France. I think it applies here.
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After a satisfying meal, we shiver back to our room and call it another successful day on the road. Tomorrow we will hang out in Toulouse. 

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Today's ride: 58 km (36 miles)
Total: 649 km (403 miles)

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Kathleen Jones“So I'm not really complaining, just stating the facts.” I am so going to use that, daily.

I heard someone else say recently that complaining is really just telling the truth. (But there are ways of telling the truth, n’est-ce pas?)
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1 year ago
Suzanne GibsonHaha, my truth so differs from other people's sometimes.
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1 year ago