April 10, 2006
One more month! Yee ha!
Now that we are on the final countdown, it seems as if I have too many things to do before we leave. I've only had a year to get ready, so why am I paniacing? : )
As far as riding and the bike, we're ready to go. Jacinto started pulling the BOB with three 10 pound weights in it at the six week mark. He doesn't have near as many miles in as I do. I know from previous experience that no many how many miles I have and how few he has, Jacinto will out pace me from day one. Jacinto is still riding with winter weight clothing. Now that it is in the low 70's in the afternoon he is leaving the balaclava off.
I also started pulling the BOB at the six week mark. I put 20 pounds of camping gear in mine to start. My BOB looks much more realistic, puffed up with stuff as opposed to Jacinto's very flat BOB bag with more weight in it. : ) At least I look tougher! Since I did the long trip last summer and have also lost 27 pounds, I expected the trailer to be no problem. I was startled at the difference in riding, especially uphill. I can't remember 'feeling' the trailer so much last summer. Good thing I started early. I've now upped the weight to 30 pounds and I'm getting used to the weight. I'm longing for the open road already. My long bike with the trailer is made for touring, not city cruising. Getting it in and out of our bicycle room is a process. I've been tracking my miles for the first time ever. I have just over 2,000 miles in for 2006 so far.
We've had a cool spring here in Colorado. It's still in the low 30's when I leave for work in the morning. I still wear winter gear. On the weekends I ride later in the day and can wear a short sleeve shirt, etc.
We need to buy cookware. I think we'll go with a 4 qt. pot and a frying pan. We looked at the lightweight cooksets - but they just look too small to boil spaghetti for two. I bought a copy of Freezer Bag Cooking. http://www.freezerbagcooking.com/ We've been trying some recipes out of it. I don't think we're ready to go entirely freezer bag, but the book was definitely worth the purchase. We will be cooking out of it.
We need a second Sling Light chair. I've had this one loaded up on the BOB. It travels well and it 'sits' well. I think this chair will be nice for relaxing evenings. I keep watching Ebay for one, but the few I've seen have gone at near new price.
I have yet to buy a mini tripod for my camera. Or learn how to do timed photos and panoramic photos, two things my camera is capable of.
Our biggest last minute panic is transportation. It looks like our friend who had volunteered to drive us to Portland is bailing out. It's possible we will share a small UHaul with a man from Montrose who will be starting the TransAm at about the same time as us. If Rod goes with us, it will save his wife taking a week off work to drive him to Astoria. We'll just have to see how that works out.
I'm enjoying riding and daydreaming of the road. I've ordered maps from all of the states and have had a pleasant surprise at all of the nice goodies and extra personal information the bicycle coordinators send. I've sent in two requests to Wyoming for a map and have received nothing. Strange.
The Phreds on the touring list have been most helpful with routing out of Portland and last minute discussion on routing through Vernonia instead of Clatskanie. Vernonia has more climbing but quieter roads. We will be discussing that while we eat our kickoff dinner at Jake's Famous Crawfish House. We have reservations for Friday the 9th. We also have reservations for a private room at the International Hostel. It's our last splurge before hitting the road.
The moon is full right now. We will have two full moons on our trip. Coincidentally great timing! Our trip is going to be wonderful!
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