Day 97: Ottawa to Carillon Quebec - Four Corners of Canada - CycleBlaze

September 9, 2010

Day 97: Ottawa to Carillon Quebec

Started out the day with a good breakfast and then followed the route out of Ottawa recommended by A print out of the route was given to me by the tourist centre opposite Parliament Hill.

I was counting on crossing into Quebec at Hawkesbury and then stopping in at the tourist centre on the Quebec side. The tourist centre was there as promised. However, it was closed. It's only open until 5:00pm now as opposed to 9:00pm in the summer. It must be getting late in the year. I was hoping to get a list of campgrounds and a map there. It took me a little while to come up with a plan. I continued down the street and bought myself a map and a snack at a gas station. It's always a good time for a snack.

After a bit of pondering I decided to go back and head down highway 344. This worked well - there was a separate bike path there. I continued on this for a while until I got near Carillon. At that point, the skies opened up. Conveniently, there was a small shelter near by where I hid until the rain let up. Once it stopped, I headed into Carillon hoping for a grocery store and a campground. There were both in town, but they were both closed. So, I went into the campground and filled up on water. Then I headed back to the shelter where there was a designated 'Camping Sauvage' area. (Free! :) I cooked myself a meal and went to bed.

End Point,-74.37915&ll=45.57984,-74.37915&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

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Rideau Hall - the Governor General's residence with the 'Fountain of Hope' in the foreground. The fountain of hope was dedicated to the memory of Terry Fox and paid for by the CFL. You can't get much more Canadian than that.
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Dedication of the fountain.
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A nice quiet bike path along the Ottawa River.
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Entering Quebec.
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A bike path in Quebec - part of the Route Verte.
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Today's ride: 117 km (73 miles)
Total: 11,716 km (7,276 miles)

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