What the Holy Hell is Going On Here? - An Unbelievable Tour Around An Imaginary World - CycleBlaze

What the Holy Hell is Going On Here?

The Disclaimer

I might as well get this out of the way right now.  The reason this is An Unbelievable Tour Around an Imaginary World is that it hasn't happened yet.  Nobody in his or her right mind would ever believe a guy like me could ride his bike around the world.  Furthermore, the tour never WILL happen.  Yet, somehow, I'll be writing daily reports about it anyway.  How can that be? 

You guessed it, this journal is a work of fiction.  Formerly, I also envisioned it as being a work of parody.  I actually posted the first versions of these pages a couple weeks ago.  Thankfully, wiser minds talked me out of the parody idea.  I deleted the whole thing about two hours later--before most Cycleblazers ever saw it--based on the truth that parody can sometimes appear to others as meanness, sarcasm, and jackassery.  I don't need that kind of reputation here.

Since then, I have received a couple messages of encouragement to continue on with my project.  Oh man, I was torn between scrapping the whole shebang, or completely overhauling it.  I've decided on the latter option.  My new strategy is to go forward with tall tales and absurdity instead of jackassery.  The only person I'll be parodying is myself, and I think you'll agree that I am a pretty ripe candidate for satire.

All of this is to remind you of my main point:  This is a fictional journal.  It is not real.  Like most works of fiction, it's only partially real.

Now, before you rush off to report this journalistic abomination to the Cycleblaze administrators, you should know that I already e-mailed them to explain my little idea and a couple days later, I was granted permission--along with the encouraging words, "I'm interested to see how it's received . . . ."  

I'm interested too, though I honestly don't have the highest of expectations.  Maybe I'll be surprised, but I worry this experiment might be too bizarre--even for the bizarro bike touring minds out there that I so much admire.  That's why I'm going to ask, once again, for some input regarding this revamped fictional journal.

Even though I have the blessing of the creator of this website, I still feel squeamish about it.  I still feel the need to consult a higher power.  That would be you, the Cycleblaze readers and writers.  If you don't think this is the place to do such a thing, please say so in a comment.  If the response is overwhelmingly negative, I'll take the hint and THIS time it will be removed forever.

But here's the thing:  This is all about my need for something fun to write about until it's time to post an actual journal about an actual bike tour.

Now, please proceed to the true beginning of this fake journal.  I should have the route page ready to read in the next few days.  Thank you.

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Steve Miller/GrampiesLove the idea and can hardly wait to see what you come up with. We will follow along with as much imagination as we can muster.
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2 years ago
Jon AylingHa! No this sounds hilarious. I'm all in favour of tall tales and absurdity!
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2 years ago
Bill ShaneyfeltSo, what's going to be different?
I expect it'll be a lotta fun!
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2 years ago
Mike AylingHey Greg
To use an Aussie phrase "Go for your life"
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2 years ago
Graham FinchMay the creative force be with you.
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2 years ago
Halûk OkurI've always loved to read your writings. I'm sure I'll be addicted to this one too.

Go for it!
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Steve Miller/GrampiesThanks, Steve. I hope this fake journal doesn't become too painful to read--like a literary version of the Spanish Inquisition.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Jon AylingI appreciate the encouragement, Jon. I'm not sure how I'll do with the tall tales, but when it comes to providing absurdity, I'm your man.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Bill ShaneyfeltCome to think of it, you're right, Bill--there really won't be much difference between this journal and my other ones. LOL
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Mike AylingThanks for telling me it was an Aussie phrase, because I first took its meaning to be "run for your life"--as in "you'll be in great danger if you proceed with such a horrible idea." Now that I looked up the real meaning, I appreciate your comment very much.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Graham FinchThank you for the ultimate blessing, Graham.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Halûk OkurHi Haluk. Thank you not only for the vote of confidence, but the nice compliment. I hope the addiction is a good addiction--like chocolate--and not a bad addiction--like methamphetamine.
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2 years ago
Nancy GrahamOh yes, I look forward to escaping some of these winter days that keep me less active on my bike. Your journal will offer exactly that with as much tomfoolery and made up adventure that can happen to one, and only one, person — you. You go Greg!
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2 years ago
Bob DistelbergSo wait, you’re saying the other ones were REAL? Hehe, I am of course just kidding! All your journals are a great read, and I’m looking forward to you’re imagined adventures in this one. Are imagined Cycleblaze meetups in the plan? You could meet basically, everybody.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Nancy GrahamI don't know what to say about your kind words. Love you, Nancy.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Bob DistelbergCoincidentally, I was thinking about a Cycleblaze meet-up for my journal just this morning. Who knows who might show up along my route? No doubt, when I get to Europe, there will be many Cycleblazers trying to get away from me. I'll catch up to somebody when they least expect it though.
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2 years ago
Mark BinghamI vote a resounding !YES! to this journal! ESPECIALLY if other CycleBlazers can make comments which are fictitious, absurd, and goofy... "When I rode through that area I saw two-headed chicken riding a rabbit while singing the Bolivian national anthem. Did you happen to see any chickens?"
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Mark BinghamComments of that nature will be welcomed with open arms.
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonI love the idea and look forward to reading it! We will be in Sicily and hope you will meet up with us!
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Rachael AndersonSicily, eh? Hmm, I just might be able to make that happen.
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekYou know how I feel about it. But there's one thing nagging at me. If this is a work of fiction, then it's possible that you really ARE riding around the world in 3 weeks, and packaging it as a parody. So the fiction could be that the journal is fictional! Makes my head spin.

Hmm, I'm gonna have to sit with this....
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Ron SuchanekYOUR head is spinning? Heck, I can't even figure out what you just said, and worse than that, whatever it is you did say might be exactly right.
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTwo thoughts on this:
1. You are obviously not using ChatGPT
2. We are hoping to enjoy a good German beer with you, any day now! If you don't hurry, we might do some wine tasting together in France, or share a pizza or two in Italy.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauTo Suzanne GibsonEven though I've never used it, I did know what photo-shop was. I had no idea what ChatGPT is though. I looked it up, and you're right. I'm not using it.

I'll try to catch up with all of you European touring folks if I can. I'll never turn down beer, wine or pizza.
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2 years ago