Cycle day 95 - Parilla to Underbool - Far too much luggage - Darwin-Perth-Bendigo - CycleBlaze

August 28, 2024

Cycle day 95 - Parilla to Underbool

Cycle day 95 - Parilla to Underbool = 114km.  7695km cycle toured on this trip so far.

Underbool rest area- $3 for shower or $10 with power and shower

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The wind was certainly crazy yesterday evening and all through the night last night.  We set the alarm 1/2 hour earlier to 5am since we are crossing over into Victoria and the time zone is another 30 minutes ahead - these time zones on this trip have really done our head in!

It was about 10 degrees when we got up and we had brekky over at the shelter as there was a light overhead.  Since we got up early we were on the road at 6.30am.  It was light enough and we had our lights on for about 1/2 hour while riding.  The wind today was as forecasted - a westerly and was blowing us along for us to sit on about 20km per hour.  

At Pinarool we picked up what I forgot to get yesterday at Lameroo and continued on with our wind assisted ride.  Traffic was in clumps but there were quite a few grain trucks heading west and heaps of sheep trucks heading east with us.  I didn't feel any sympathy for anyone heading west into the wind as I was glad it was them and not us -not that we saw a cyclist but the only thing this headwind does to vehicles is hurt the drivers wallet! 

About 10km out of Pinnaroo is the border to cross into Victoria.  If you are crossing into South Australia - there is a manned quarantine check point just before the town of Pinnaroo.

woo hoo we have now crossed into Victoria!
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The road we are riding on has no shoulder - the photo above with the wide shoulder is only at that particular point - it is a "welcome to Victoria" gift from the State Government and then 100m later there should be another sign where they take the shoulder away and that sign should say "suckers!"

In Victoria the road is in lot better condition than the South Australian side.  So it was nice to ride on roads that aren't poorly  made.  There are shoulders when the road has a hill that involves a corner.  Otherwise the wind really did help us today as our day average was 20km per hour despite having some rolling sections.

We rolled into Underbool about 2pm and set up camp - like last night the town has a rest stop that welcomes travellers and there are public toilets and a hot shower.  Although this one was a bit drafty when you had a shower.

Our camp spot
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We are making good time to get home - the wind is easing now but will start up again tomorrow this time blowing from the north west but not as strong as today.  So that means we will have a crosswind for the first half then a tailwind for the second half.  We hope make Lascelles tomorrow.

Today's ride: 114 km (71 miles)
Total: 7,695 km (4,779 miles)

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