April 30, 2024
Home again, home again, jiggity jog
A nice easy finish
Home, home again
I like to be there when I can
When I come in cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells.
Pink Floyd, Breathe (reprise) from Dark Side of the Moon
I'm home. It's good to be here. The lyrics above rattled around inside my head for much of the day.
It was a good day, starting with a wonderful breakfast at Art and Anh's place in Woodbridge (really, Lake Ridge) VA. Thanks again you guys!
As expected, getting out of Prince William County involved riding on big roads with lots of fast-moving traffic. Well okay, I was riding for a lot of the time on sidewalks next to the big roads with lots of fast-moving traffic. It helped to have that zone of separation, and that segment really only lasted a few miles before RWGPS routed me down a lovely narrow, winding, shaded lane.
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Not long after, I crossed the mighty Occoquan and entered Fairfax County, the last of the Virginia counties I'd be in. (Due to a quirk in the way Virginia organizes local governments, the City of Alexandria is an entirely separate and independent administrative entity from Fairfax County despite being entirely surrounded by it so Fairfax was the last actual county. It's a quibble, sue me.)
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The difference was immediate, and enduring: throughout my traverse of Fairfax County there were either specifically-marked bike lanes, separated/isolated bicycle / pedestrian paths, or both. Fairfax, for all its faults, has at least to be commended for attempting to atone for past sins by incorporating usable infrastructure specifically for bikes into their roadways and plans.
It took a while to get through, though. For one thing I was riding fairly slowly, just taking it easy and not taxing myself. For another, the bike paths parallel and cross roads every bit as big and busy as those in Prince William County and Fredericksburg. There are cyclist-activatable signals at every intersection, but the sheer number of them means progress will be slow and incremental. That was fine with me.
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I just had to look up this one.
10 months ago
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Approaching Lorton I found The Workouse, a public/private partnership in support of the arts. It wasn't until I spotted what once were watchtowers that I realized I was on the site of what was once the primary jail for DC. It closed not long after we moved to the region, and until today I'd never been near the place.
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10 months ago
10 months ago
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Distracted as I'm leaving, I fail to notice that the route turns to the right at the exit of The Workhouse and continue north for a mile and a quarter before I realize my mistake. Oops. Oh well, what's a couple extra miles, at this point?
It's easy riding west to east in that area, since the land slopes gently toward the Potomac for many miles. Several miles from Mount Vernon, I entered the vast network of multi-use recreational paths that are intertwined with the road network. If so inclined, you could travel hundreds of miles on them, with hardly any time on the roads themselves.
The cool, shaded conditions on the path as it parallels the Potomac were delightful. Being a Tuesday morning there weren't too many others using the trail, so it wasn't the exercise in crowd avoidance that it can be on nice weekend days.
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10 months ago
Just at the south end of Alexandria, the trail crosses under the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. It's quite a place.
Even Old Town Alexandria wasn't too crazy. Sure there were lots of people out and about but nothing like the crowds typical of a sunny weekend day. Stopping in at Big Wheel Bikes, I had them take care of what had been a nagging annoyance for most of the trip. The right side (rear) brake lever was loose, and kept sliding down the handlebars as I rode. I had tried, halfheartedly and without success, to fix it myself but couldn't get a wrench into the spot where the critical bolt is located. They had me fixed up in a jiffy, requesting as payment only that I write a good review. That I will do happily.
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10 months ago
Good luck on your own upcoming adventure.
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
10 months ago
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The other Old Town stop was in fulfilment of a promise I'd made myself earlier: a stop for ice cream. There' s a shop right along the way, so it was an easy promise to keep.
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Reaching Gravelly Point Park, just opposite the north end of the runways at National Airport, I paused long enough to watch a few planes land and take off. (When the wind is from the south the landing approach follows the river, and the planes come in very low and directly overhead. It's fun to watch.) There were four couples cavorting and trying to get fun pictures as the planes passed overhead; it was as entertaining to watch their antics as the planes themselves.
There was another reason I wasn't in any particular hurry today. Last night over dinner I confessed to Art that I had a Secret Plan. It occurred to me many days ago that I didn't actually need to ride every mile home. Once I reached the zone where it operates, I had my choice of several stations from which I might enter the Metro system, and enjoy a fast, easy, relaxing train ride back to Rockville; from the Rockville Metro station to home is less than two miles. The more I rode the better this idea seemed.
I selected Union Station in DC as the point of entry; having started my journey south from that point 11 days earlier, it made agreeable symmetry to more-or-less end it back where it began.
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10 months ago
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Arriving back at my driveway I shot the ceremonial end-of-tour photos, came inside, and was done.
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10 months ago
Today's ride: 40 miles (64 km)
Total: 568 miles (914 km)
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10 months ago
10 months ago
Have a great ride on the Katy!
10 months ago
10 months ago
I think you proved one of your points: East Coast cities developed along the fall line! Years ago I did a 3 day ride from Columbia MD to a friend's family farm in Dinwiddie VA and stayed west of the fall line. Very pleasant biking, trading traffic for rolling hills.
On developments: our previous house that we lived in until 2003 was built in 1965 or so. One day, I was walking our dog to the outskirts of the neighborhood where an old guy was sitting on his porch. He yelled out "Cute dog, where do you live?" I told him and he said "I still remember my mom crying when they cut down the apple orchard to build those houses."
That made me realize my "neighborhood" was once a "development!"
10 months ago
It's a matter of perspective, for sure. And of course there's the natural tendency of people everywhere to try to close the door behind them: once they're in, they don't want further encroachment. But THEY definitely want IN.
10 months ago
"What's the difference between a preservationist and a developer?"
The preservationist already has his house in the woods...
But you see how well it can be done when biking in places like Seattle, Portland, etc, and not even bringing the Amsterdams of the world into the discussion, it is really sad how often it is done badly.
10 months ago
I'm ready, too. My Katy Trail starts at the end of next week...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Fredericksburg City, along with Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Prince William Counties could all learn a lot from Richmond City, Chesterfield, Henrico, and Hanover Counties.
10 months ago
I see from your profile that you've done the Katy. Anything in particular you think I should know, a week before I blast off?
My friend and I plan a five-day transit, camping most nights, but at least one night (Jefferson City) will be a hotel, B&B, or something similar.
Did you camp? if so what, if anything, can you tell me about general / overall access to electricity at camping sites? I'm a CPAP user so will be carrying two batteries for that, to forestall any possibility of being caught without access to electricity for my portable machine but the extension cord is lighter. I'd rather carry the cord only but if there's a chance of being caught in a situation where there's no outlet in handy proximity to my tent I'll need the batteries.
It's laid out as a five day (54, 64, 64, 68, and 48 miles respectively) and four night affair, taking the Rock Island Spur from KC MO (starting, I hope, from the trailhead in the vicinity of the Arrowhead Stadium / Kaufman Stadium complex).
My plan relies on timely access to convenience and grocery stores along / near the routes, and open cafes for lunches.
John Pickett advised me, based on his experience, that the stores and other resources may not always be where / as you want/need them.
10 months ago
The short answer is that the group I was riding with was not really into camping, so we stayed at hotels for the entire trip. The lodging, besides the tornado in Columbia, was uneventful. Anyway, I'm not sure the condition of the campgrounds, and it was long enough ago that I don't really remember if there were charging opportunities at the various depots. I remember there being a lot of porta-potties and not real restrooms. So, I think opportunities were probably scant.
I can't speak to the Spur, but in general, we didn't have much trouble finding stores in the small towns but we did have trouble with restaurants. Many of them closed early and we were really taking our time. Sunday also had us finding fewer services open.
Hope this small bit of info helps...
9 months ago
Since I can get a full night out of each of the two CPAP batteries I can get to our third night (Jefferson City) and recharge them there, without lugging the extension cord along.
Thanks for the info.
9 months ago
There's a YouTuber that just made the trip on the Katy. She camped in the trailside campgrounds. You might take a look: https://www.youtube.com/@DeniseLookingOut
9 months ago