December 28, 2020
Wind before the rain.

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Marilyn sent me a text this morning that the strong wind had blown over their cactus and rocked their camper all night long. ??? Wind? I didn't realize it was supposed to be windy today. Sure enough, the forecast said strong winds from the south all day. I am not interested in a suffer fest. I changed my routing to an east/west route. I wouldn't get any help from the wind, but at least it shouldn't be too bad either.
I headed out the door at 9:30 and had about an hour of good riding before the wind kicked in. My first unusual bike sighting was an underseat steering recumbent. I'm not sure if I'm seeing the same one or not. This one was yellow. I saw many trikes. I saw the man with the Biden flag for the third time. I heard a whole lot of squeaky chains. I saw two different dogs in wire baskets. One dog barely fit. He couldn't lay down, but had to sit. The other one was a black chihuahua with a white muzzle. I've figured out that the giant flag at the auto dealers is right where I need to switch sides of the wash. Finally things are getting a little familiar and I can look around instead of worrying about where I am. I'm not so confident as to leave the motel without a route to follow!
My turnaround point was at the beginning of Harrison Greenway. That's a gradual uphill. Two ladies on cruiser bikes were pulled over taking a break. I remarked to them as I passed that it was more uphill than it looks. They enthusiastically agreed with my statement. Enough so that I had to smile awhile.
I remembered my apple today, but didn't eat it until almost the end of the day. At one point that I thought my tires felt funny and I stopped to check the inflation. I guess it was the wind blowing me around.
I've been going back and forth on the same section of bike path quite a bit, so there isn't much to report. But, hey! I'm riding my bike in 75 degree weather and it's almost January. I might be repeating the route, but I'm loving the riding.
P S - we are going to look at a condo for sale tonight. It's right on the bike path, maybe a mile from our motel. There was a larger place that I had already packed my bags to move into, but poof! and it was sold . . . the market is so crazy here, I don't know that we even have a chance. But, this place is nice looking and in the small area that I'm interested in.
Side note - our realtor is the brother of a coworker in Rifle. What's the odds of that? Jacinto mentioned on FB that we were potentially buying here and Jay said his brother has been selling real estate in the area for 30 years. So, there's that.
Evening edit - Our connection to the realtor was deeper than we thought. Scott Duclo (for those who might want a realtor) grew up in Delta, CO also - graduating in 1988 as opposed to my 1980. He dated the younger sister of a very good friend and of course spent many nights at my mother's drive in movie theatre! It is a small world.
On the real estate front - the first place sold before we could even look. We drove past and did like the area, but there's nothing else for sale in the area. the second place is in a perfect location, but just doesn't do it for us. Especially at the price. I'm not sure we will be able to buy. Things are selling here so fast, places are selling for thousands of dollars over the asking price.
Tomorrow it is supposed to rain all morning. I'm planning to get out in the afternoon. I need 103 miles in three days. I should be able to do that. The sad point is three days left . . . we have squeezed the first day of 2021 in also, but we do have to be back to work on Monday the 4th . . . the calendar is ticking. Darn.
Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 478 miles (769 km)
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I’m enjoying your journal about Tucson. I’m so jealous- all those blue skies! I’m also thankful that you are transferring your journals to this site. I was reading your Granny Panties tour on that other site then you disappeared.
It appears we belong to the same club-perhaps you also hit the “agree” button to Wayne Estes’ forum post? It’s so nice to find this site without the nasty diatribes.
Enjoy your remaining days in Tucson! We may meander down there in early 2021 to alleviate our vitamin D deficiency here in the Pacific Northwest.
Sandy Earle
4 years ago
Thank you for caring enough to write. My more recent journals should be showing up here soon. Be aware of the Rock and Gem show. It books the entire town and increases lodging prices. We are at the Homewood Suites - the parking lot is on the edge of The Loop - can't ask for a better location. We are paying $103. a night, kitchen and a separate bedroom with a door. Breakfast included (breakfast sandwiches/cereal/oatmeal). In February the price goes up to $384.!
Yes, I was one of the unluckies who clicked disagree with Neil, which I guess is the same as clicking agree with Wayne . . . my leaving was a long time coming. It was the right thing to do, but still feels sad. I miss my friends there. Quite a few are finding me here.
4 years ago
We kept looking and then when summer came and the temperatures were above 100 degrees we started seeing some good deals and jumped.
A friend of ours bought a home in the summer below market with the idea that he would sell when the the prices went up.
That winter there were offers to buy it for many thousand more than he paid.
The place was too big for him and so he eventually sold it for a huge profit and moved into a smaller condo.
People get so fed up with winter up north sometimes that they will spend the money to escape, only to find out that they can't stand the summers in Tucson and eventually sell during the warmer months.
My advice is to wait until April or May, when the snowbirds are leaving and the market shifts.
And remember that even though the daytime temperatures are unbearable in the spring and summer here, the morning hours are quite pleasant until about 10:00-11:00AM. Then it is time to be inside taking a siesta.
4 years ago
It's nice to see you enjoying your time "riding 42 miles a day and going nowhere." It's definitely a different style of touring for you, but I can see how it would be very relaxing.
So far I've managed to hang in there on both CrazyGuy AND Cycleblaze. Luckily I don't use the "ratings" any more. Until that last thread, I've tried my damnedest to resist expressing political opinions there, but I could no longer hold it in. I agreed with Wayne's premise, but I think his mistake was using the "Troll" word.
As to purchasing a place in Tucson: DON'T DO IT! You will come to miss those honest-to-goodness winters. At least I know I would.
4 years ago
I'm happy you found me here. They had a big storm at home and I sincerely hope it is melted before we arrive back. I used to enjoy snow back when the kids were little and we would go out and play in it. Now that I drive a school bus, snow is the enemy, it just makes my job dangerous. A friend was horrified at my opinion, but she works from home. If I could sit inside drinking a glass of wine in front of the fire and watching the snow while snug and warm, I might like it also!
So - there's that background piece . . . I do enjoy the nip in the air on a crisp fall day.
Buying a place in Tucson has gone by the wayside. We aren't quite there as Jacinto isn't ready. He has committed to returning next Christmas, which makes me quite happy.
Jim and Genny have floated the idea of making our summer 2021 tour a base camp type tour. It works well in the winter with questionable weather, but we by far prefer to be moving from location to location. On the slate is a five week tour of Michigan/Wisconsin. We shall see how that all shakes out. Whatever we do, I will journal it here!
Enjoy your snow - I'm glad someone likes it!
4 years ago
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4 years ago