August 8, 2017
Day 3 - ending near Kellerville, IL
Posted via email Wed Aug 9 18:43:02 2017 PDT
Woke up again on my own at 4:10am. A still morning with moonlight and very heavy dew. Started on picture-sorting, then report-writing. I'd received from a friend last Christmas a LED headlamp. I found where I'd packed it, and tried it on. It is so handy! Allows me to see my notes as I type the report.
It was cool this morning, and I was getting cold, so went over to the showerhouse to continue writing. Later I moved out into the sunshine. Took a break at 8:30am to pack up. I wanted to have the report done and sent in. I was within sight of a cell tower, but had no more than a 1x connection. For a moment I saw 3x. I'll just have to wait until I'm in town, which I headed for at 10:14am.
A left at US-67 headed me toward Rushville. I took a right on what turned into S. Liberty Road, which brought me to downtown. Finished report in the square and sent it in (at 11:25am).
Now, time to find a place to eat! I passed a bakery shop and turned back to see if they served meals. They do. This place is a cafeteria-style set-up, so I got in line for the special. Just as I got seated, a middle-aged lady stopped by to introduce herself. When I told her my first and last name, she said just first names are enough for here. I was among friends! Her name is Shirley ("Surely you can remember that," she said with a smile.) She was interested in my trip. At one point she asked if I ever had any trouble. I said, "Well, flat tires . . . What type of trouble?" She said, "With people." I told her no, everyone I meet is like her! Another fellow there said something like, "That's a scary thought!" My noon alarm went off as I said goodbye to this group of new friends. Noon mileage report: 3.1 miles.
A little more riding in town, then I made my way to US-24 heading southwest. Turned right at 12:46pm onto Scotts Mill Road. Flat at first, then downhill. Then some uphills I had to walk. More down and up. I was getting frustrated with my slow progress and need for breaks. Between my GPS units and my map, I was confused as to where I was. When I came to a highway (IL-99) at 2:52pm, I figured out I was farther along than I'd thought!
South and west on flat back roads brought me to Mound Station (Timewell) at 4:36pm. Continued south and west toward my destination - Siloam Springs State Park.
At 6:09pm, as I was making a turn in Kellerville, I heard someone calling, "Need any supper?" This is a first for me - being called off the highway for a meal! I accepted, and met Jeff at his front porch. His wife brought me out a plate of food and a bottle of water. I was introduced to Jeff's family, and they stayed around to visit while I ate. They were surprised to hear about my trip plans. Jeff was a long haul truck driver, and his wife went with him on trips. She showed me impressive pictures of a few sunsets they'd seen and parks they had visited. Truck drivers have interesting stories, and I wanted to sit and listen to some more, but Jeff was keeping a better eye on the time than I was. So at 7:00pm, I said goodbye to this awesome family and continued on toward the park.
Jeff had mentioned that I would see deer on my way to the park, and I sure did. Several jumping across the road in front of me! Then, a little later down the road I met up with Jeff and the family out for an after-dinner drive (and to make sure I was getting along OK, I suspect).
I did make it OK to Pine Grove Campground, site 17A, at 7:54pm. Used the fading light to get the tent up. Once again, too tired for report-writing, but did finish picture selection. It was a tough-go today mid-afternoon, but the mealtimes were a treat.
Spent: $11.64 plus $2 (lunch) + $20 (campsite) = $33.64.
+ plus signs indicate pictures added after returning home from the trip +
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Today's ride: 39 miles (63 km)
Total: 143 miles (230 km)
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