Day Two - Failure and Sucesss - CycleBlaze

September 15, 2024

Day Two

Paulinskill Trail

A cool morning morphed into a lovely day. Rob was up early. He brought me a weird tasting egg taco thing from Dunkin Donuts. We were on the road by 7:30 and pedaled up to the closed  Route 611, past the barricades and the dog walkers. After a mile or two, we encountered a construction site.

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Being Sunday, it was unmanned ao we worked our way through it. We continued on 611 and dropped down to Slateford Road. Then we rolled into Portland and took the pedestrian bridge over the Delaware.

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We negotiated our way around and through the I-80 cloverleaf, pedaled past Columbia Lake and onto the Paulinskill Valley Trail.

The PVT was a mix of singletrack, gravel path, dirt road and occasionally horse path. The quality of the path changed depending on the community. We stopped for our second breakfast in the Blairstown Diner. The famous Blairstown Diner was a location for one of the “Friday the Thirteenth” movies. It recently had a horror celebration and was decorated with movie posters and gore memorabilia. This did not stop Rob from ordering and consuming one of the biggest breakfasts I have ever seen.

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We rode on the Paulinskill Valley Trail. In some places bridges were missing, requiring a drop down and push up from the road crossing. When the PVT veered east we worked our way to the Great Valley Trail which followed a gas line that eventually intersected with the Sussex Line Trail which brought us to Branchville. We climbed a few formidable hills on the road and rejoined our car. I was so happy to reach the car because the hills had beat me up.

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Today's ride: 41 miles (66 km)
Total: 198 miles (319 km)

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