September 14, 2018
I began composing today’s entry in my head as we were biking this morning, but by the end of the day I have a different story to tell.
This morning brought some of the finest riding of the tour, as we bike across the plateau north of Labin, on quiet lanes lined with the usual hand-laid stone walls and scrubby mixed hardwood forest broken by intermittent small clearings with the dry remains of the summer’s sunflowers and corn crop mixed in with huge squash ripe for the harvest. It all reminds me of some of the best riding in southern France, as we pass by enticing, even smaller paved lanes branching off and beckoning us to explore them instead.
After a few miles of this, we come to the edge of the world and drop down to the Raca river and its finger inlet - steeply at first, and then gradually enough that we can enjoy the views. On the way down we mentally prepare for the 1,200’ climb out the other side, but the pain never comes - the grade never tops about three percent, and we maintain a comfortable cadence all the way up, eventually topping out and turning off onto another lovely side road. This country would reward a several day stay, at least, testing out all of these small roads.

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We come to Zminj, a pretty small town with some ruined fortifications, a lovely old baroque church, and a delightful kitten cavorting in the parking lot that temps my camera. I’ve got to be careful though - I’m under a kitty cap, and want to make every shot count. Not quite good enough, so I take a pass.
After this, the ride changes completely. There’s only one road to Rovinj from central Istria; and it’s shoulderless single lane; and we’re competing with everyone - tourists, campers, trucks, buses, the whole catastrophe. It’s straight, so the visibility is good at least; but it’s straight, so everyone feels like they can race and pass slower cars at will. Yuk.
Finally, three miles from town we come to a bike lane of sort; but we won’t come this way again. I’ll have to look at the next two day’s rides to see what the options are for getting out of this place.
Rachael is excited to be getting here because she’s found a bike store and mechanic who will look at her gears and brakes, which need adjustment. I’m hopeful too, because I’ve picked up a click in the left crank that sounds like I’ve broken a bearing there or in the left pedal. He’s not a real mechanic though - he does a good job with her gears, which she’s happy about; but at the end of the day I’m looking at the map and Google, trying to figure out where I going to find my bearings down the road.
Rovinj is another famous Croatian honey pot - unbelievably scenic, and famously so - so we have a lot of company. We’re here for two nights, so we’ll get a better look at it in one of the mornings ahead, before the crowds fill the streets.

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6 years ago
6 years ago
"Those cow photos are great, but you need more cats!"
6 years ago

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Ride stats today: 41 miles, 2,200’; for the tour, 516 miles, 37,500’
Today's ride: 41 miles (66 km)
Total: 523 miles (842 km)
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6 years ago
Yes, we plan on riding up the Drau, but only for about thirty miles. We plan on taking a day ride to Lienz from our stay in Toblach, but after that we head west and into the mountains. It looks like a great route though. Are you planning on following it all the way to Slovenia?
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
I went to mapmyride and was signing up when I decided to look at their "privacy" policy. Mapmyride is a service of the big company UnderArmour, and their policy clearly reflects weeks of work by lawyers and programmers, to wring every bit of use they can extract from your information. Even though as blog writers we clearly are not big on privacy, it scared me off!
6 years ago
6 years ago
We’re thinking of staying in Arabia also, so we’re looking forward to a report.
Slovenia is great - or at least was when we biked through there back in 1999. We keep talking about going back some year.
6 years ago
6 years ago