On the first day of my 73rd year, we biked along the Cote Vermeille from Collioure to Port Bou and back. It was an outstanding ride, and one we thought was one of the most scenic of the tour.
On the second day of my 73rd year, we biked from Collioure to Ceret, following the EV8 along the Tech River, with Caginou looming larger and more awesome with each mile we rode. It was an outstanding ride, and one we felt might be the most scenic of the tour so far.
On the third day of my 73rd year, we took a loop ride into the hills east of Ceret. This wasn’t just an outstanding ride - it was almost overwhelmingly beautiful. We both feel sure it was the most beautiful ride of the tour.
So what the hell is going on here? Three days, three phenomenal rides. Is this really what being 73 is going to be like? This can’t just continue like this, can it?
Leaving Ceret, we cross the Pont du Diable. Just one more thing to love about this town.
The first half of the ride is generally uphill, climbing to an elevation of 2,500’. We start getting fine views of the mountain almost immediately. The road constantly twists and turns, exposing us in turn with the mountain, views south to the coast, or to the predominantly oak forest.
Scott AndersonTo Mike AylingThat, and plastic plugs. Somehow though a petrochemical plant doesn’t have the same romantic aura as a shorn cork trunk. Reply to this comment 6 years ago
First though, we should do something with the ham, cheese and bread we hauled all the way up here. I think this is the most scenic lunch spot of the tour. What do you think?
One thing I was excited about in taking such a late season tour was the fall colors. I didn’t expect though that the best would come in December, after the woods elsewhere are mostly brown and bare. I think, blah, blah, blah.
This gal just wants her picture taken, I think. She stood statue still for almost a full minute, staring back at me. Personally, I find it hard to rate cow photos, but I think this is a pretty great cow portrait.
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesMy experience also, usually. I wonder why this one found me so attractive? I wonder if I should be concerned? Reply to this comment 6 years ago
Jen RahnExcellent photo! Not only because the cow finds you interesting, but also because it's one of the happiest and healthiest looking cows I've seen. Reply to this comment 6 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Rich HarrellThat was Andrea’s take also, that she’s a Bengal. I stared at a gallery of photos of both the Bengal and Savannah and couldn’t decide, until I read about the Savannah, a hybrid bred with a serval - half wild, half domestic. The looks are there, but it’s not large enough. It must be a Bengal. Reply to this comment 6 years ago
Kelly IniguezReading from the top of the page. It was 2018, you were 73. If my math is correct, you turn 80 this year? Reply to this comment 1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Kelly IniguezNo, the language in the post is just a little awkward. I just turned 72, meaning I’m just beginning my 73rd year. I probably shouldn’t have put it quite like that because it’s easy to misunderstand.
I was born on 12/01/1946. I’m 78, and just starting my
79th year. Reply to this comment 1 month ago