Seely Lake to Ovando - The Revolution Starts Now - Mr. Grumby Takes on the Great Divide - CycleBlaze

July 6, 2023

Seely Lake to Ovando

Cain getting ready to leave after breakfast
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July 6 - Seely Lake to Ovando, 28 miles, 1800 feet.

We at breakfast at Pop's with Cain and Zack, who rode in about midnight last night, and then all went our separate ways. I needed to talk to Jen about her plans. She and Lisa were leaving to go back home, but decided to detour to meet me in Lincoln, Montana in a day or 2. They found a nice Airbnb that would fit us and the Kiwis, so I said I'd ask August and Ellie when I caught them in Ovando. 

The ride to Ovando was flowy and pretty easy, with good views and a lot of wildflowers, streams and lakes along the way. Riding with August, Ellie and Bill has been awesome, and I also like the solitude of riding solo. 

Storm was rolling in.
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My nemesis, lightning, appeared as I was a few miles out from Ovando. I'm not particularly scared of bears, because I know how to minimize my risk, and they're really not that interested in humans. But after Undaunted Porridge, I have a respect, disdain and healthy fear of lightning. Anyway, I was scanning the area for places to hunker down if it really started storming. You don't want to be in the open, and you don't want to be near tall trees. I cranked up the pace as I watched the bolts in the distance. Somehow I made it into Ovando about 10 minutes before it started pouring. 

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My accomodations for the night. Due to my extreme height, the wagon was barely wide enough for me.
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Bruce LellmanYour calves alone could hardly fit in that thing.
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10 months ago
Ron SuchanekTo Bruce LellmanThat was the other problem, but I didn't want to complain too much.
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10 months ago

Ellie greeted me with some ice cream, and we all sat on a covered porch while it rained for 10 minutes or so. They chose the teepee in town, and I grabbed a wagon to sleep in. The town of Ovando, led by Kathy Schoendorfer, owner of Blackfoot Outfitters, has set up camping and accomodations for the hundreds of bicycle travelers that pass through every year. It's really amazing, and a highlight of the trip. 

Blackfoot Commercial store had everything you'd need, including bratwurst.
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It poured for about 10 minutes
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Rachael AndersonHow beautiful!
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10 months ago
These guys are from Seattle and planning on doing the entire route.
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The 2 guys pictured above arrived awhile later set their stuff up to sleep in the old jail. 

The Blackfoot Commercial store was well-stocked. August bought a pack of bratwurst and the owner of the store said we could use his BBQ grill, so I cooked and we ate well. Zack rolled in during the afternoon, as did 2 northbounders from Enumaclaw, Washington who were on day 28 and would finish in a few more days. 

The trailer I slept in was ok, but not setup for someone as freakishly tall as me  (5'9"). My head butted against one side, my feet against the other. But it was comfortable enough, and the first time I've slept inside the whole trip. 

Today's ride: 28 miles (45 km)
Total: 487 miles (784 km)

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