Intro: I think I'm gonna need more time - The Revolution Starts Now - Mr. Grumby Takes on the Great Divide - CycleBlaze

February 27, 2023

Intro: I think I'm gonna need more time

I'm Mr. Grumby, aka Ron. You might remember Jen and me from such journals as Undaunted Porridge, and The Grumbys' Pre-tour Shakedown Ride

This year I'm taking on the 2730 mile Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (GDMBR), from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, NM.  And for the first time, I'll be attempting to use compound declarative sentences just to punch things up. Maybe I'll even include an adjective or two along the way. Risky, yes. Scary? Of course. But fear has no place at my table. 

 Yeah I know, a couple hundred people do the route every year, and a few even use compound declarative sentences. So you might be wondering what will make this journal unique and worth reading. Well I'll tell you. I'm going to ride the entire route on a unicycle while blindfolded. And juggling. And  I'll be wearing a coat made of honey and delicious crispy bacon to test my mettle and wits against the thousands of massive, bloodthirsty grizzlies that I'll encounter along the way*. (Prediction: I will fail both tests). 

 And if that doesn't keep you coming back for each post, there will be plenty of witty, hilarious and insightful writing, in case someone takes over this journal and writes it for me. Otherwise it might just be more of what you see here. At least until the grizzly catches a whiff of my bacon-honey outfit. This might be a pretty short journal. 

Fear might not have a place at the table, but tasty Corn Flakes and raisins do. Inspired by Earl Lellman, father of well known photographer, traveler and writer Bruce Lellman, I'm starting my training with a healthy breakfast. Next week, I'll do some jumping jacks.
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I've been modifying my trusty Surly Long Haul Trucker for this route, which I'll cover in a subsequent post. And soon I'll convert myself from a sedentary Cheeto-eating couch potato (mmmm, potatoes) into a lean, efficient riding machine. Haha! 

*Some of the compound declarative sentences and statements in this section have proven to be false and should not be read, repeated, spoken or thought by anyone. 

(Title photo courtesy Sergey Pesterev / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Scott AndersonWow, you’re really going to do it! I thought you were crazy when you first mentioned it, but this will be awesome. Banff in mid-June? We’ll have to keep track of you - we might cross paths on our summer road trip up into Canada. In the meantime, do try to do something with that title.
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekTo Scott AndersonYep I wanted to get something out there to make it seem more real. And I'm still crazy. June 21 seems to be the day I'll start, so yes hopefully we can connect in the Great White North.
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonI’ll be anxiously awaiting the start of your tour! Until then I’ll be expecting a weekly report of training rides.
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekTo Rachael AndersonThat's a lotta pressure!!
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonTo Ron SuchanekSomebody’s gotta do it!
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekTo Rachael AndersonYou're right. I'm a chronic under-trainer.
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauFor your final title, you should accentuate the "working" part and forget the "lame" part because I'm pretty sure you'll be working your ass off every day.
Whatever the title, I'll be monitoring your compound sentences and your success with the bacon-honey suit.
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekTo Gregory GarceauI think you're on to something with the title. The bacon suit is turning out to be harder than I expected. I keep eating the lapels before I attach them. And don't get me started about the sleeves...
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonIf it's not asking too much of a cyclist in a honeyed suit of bacon, could you somewhere along the line include a singing cowboy?
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2 years ago
Ron SuchanekTo Suzanne GibsonI'm sure the Singing Cycling Cowboy will make an appearance or two!
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2 years ago