Well, THAT Was Different
Sometimes You Have to Write What You Feel
Have you ever experienced the phenomenon known as "writer's block?" I haven't, because I'm not really a writer. The condition I am now experiencing is "bike blogger's block." Actually, this isn't really a blog, it's a journal. Sure, "blog" sounds cooler and more technologically sophisticated. "Journal" sounds more like something an aspiring writer was told to keep by his/her English Professor. "Diary" is another word. That one sounds like something a teenager hides under his/her bed after writing their innermost thoughts.
I'm neither a techie hipster nor a teenager, so I'll claim the middle ground. That's right, I'm just a member of the Third Estate. I write a journal and I report what I see.
There can be no doubt that I don't educate anyone. I don't seriously think anybody will ever follow one of my routes. And I sure don't write these journals on-line just to remind myself of how much fun I had. Heck, I had written travel journals for that purpose for decades. Almost nobody has ever read them but me. Now I publish them on-line for no other reason than vanity. I admit it: I want others to read them.
If you are one of the people who reads about my shenanigans, I thank you. If not, I take no offense. Either way, I really, really appreciate the comments.
So much for my writer's block. Once I get on a roll, I can't stop.
Looking back at my seven DIFFERENT mini-tours, I'm having a hard time picking a favorite. It's like picking a favorite bike. I just can't do it. Given a "Sophie's Choice," however, I'd probably go with the first mini-tour . . . or maybe the last one. The second one was pretty sweet too. Oh, man, how can I forget the inner-city mini-tour or the one in Iowa. Okay, I loved them all! Please don't make me choose just one!
One thing I will never forget is how The Feeshko came up with the idea of short, monthly, mini-tours. At first it seemed like a ridiculous idea. Then it became a brilliant idea, considering the limitations I had with my dad's medical issues.
Remember the second page of this journal? That's the one where I described buying a Bluetooth keyboard and bragged about how I could use my phone to post updates from campgrounds? Well, forget that crap. Not once was I able to finish a post from a campsite. I think I'll retrieve that thing from the basement right now and stomp it into the ground. (I've never had such violent thoughts toward my pen and notebook.)
I'm almost done writing now. The four-day storm of rain, sleet and snow is now moving in. The forecaster's predictions are so bleak that I'm not sure any human being could possibly go for a bike ride. I might give it a try though.
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2 years ago
2 years ago
Also, I saw your reference to me on your own mini-tour. I meant to comment on that, but I forgot. I've been very distracted lately.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Regarding the bluetooth keyboard - to update the journal you need a connection to the internet. But you can connect the bluetooth to the phone wherever you are. So don't perform the bluetooth-stomp dance just yet. I've updated a journal off-line by using the Notes features on my iPad/Phone, and then posting the text from my phone into the blog (journal) when I get connection.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
And thanks for the advice on the Bluetooth keyboard. I haven't stomped it yet. I did post that second page without wifi, so I guess I got a little too excited by the idea of strong 5G signals being EVERYWHERE. I should have known that was too good to be true.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago