07/28/23 Noxon, MT to Priest River, ID - Training Ride - CycleBlaze

July 28, 2023

07/28/23 Noxon, MT to Priest River, ID

Foiled in my attempt to cross Idaho in a single day
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Today was gorgeous riding along the Pend Oriel lake and, later, river.  There is a lot of appeal to having a house on a lake with a boat dock, I must say. I’d have enjoyed a swim and would have if there was space at the Priest River campground and I stayed there instead of behind a U-Haul on the side of the road as the day turned out instead.

As part of my day off activities in Libby I replaced my brake pads.  Well, I replaced my rear pads but not the front because the hole where the hex bit goes in my thru axle is stripped and the wrench doesn’t have a lot of grip. It’s my fault, I’ve known the axle was damaged and in all the time leading up to this trip I never remembered to get it replaced.  Well, it’s not something I’m going to forget now.  I figured the axle had one, at best two, more goes before it would be impossible to remove with a wrench. Not liking those odds and discovering Sandpoint, Idaho is a happening place with several bike shops I stopped at one to see if by chance they had any axles that would fit.  Long story short, the guys at Syringa Cyclery said they did so I rode over.  The tech pounded a wrench in with a hammer, removed the axle and discovered that it no, what he had doesn’t fit (this is after giving the exact numbers, from the factory).  So my wheel is on again (barely, but safely) but it’s not clear if it can be replaced in the event of a flat.  

 Flat tires are something I’ve begun obsessing about.  I haven’t had a one in over 2 years and about 4,000 miles and about a week ago I stopped feeling blessed and had instead am just waiting for the shoe to fall.  The not knowing for certain if I’ll able to deal with one is causing me anxiety. I’ve addressed it in the long term by ordering a replacement which Im having sent to Wenatchee, picking Wenatchee since it being Friday and no place to stay in Sandpoint (big festival weekend, everything is full or insanely expensive) it was a place to aim for to intersect a package sometime next week. Short term, I’m reminding myself that I’ve only had one front flat in the whole time I’ve been bike riding as an adult. And with that and a healthy dose of unease I left Sandpoint.

I was soon taken in by the nice views and gentle road and found Priest River, Idaho to be hopping when I arrived.  Cars cruising downtown, beer being sold on the streets and everyone getting ready to celebrate Logger Days, a weekend where loggers show off their skills (logging equivalent of a rodeo), plus a parade, lawnmower races and a pancake breakfast what’s not to like? I decided that’s how I wanted to spend Saturday and went to the campground on the edge of town, ready to set up my tent and jump in the river, only to be turned away for lack of space.  With fading daylight and no place to stay decisions needed to be made so I left, disappointed I’d be missing the party and continued heading to the campground in Newport, WA a mere miles away.   Just as I was wondering if there would be outlets available at the campground my rear tire went flat.  Finally!

Not being in the most zen frame of mind when this began, I was disappointed but not surprised when I failed in getting the tire back on the rim (flat was from a piece of wire). This is a relatively new rim, I’ve only changed the tire on it once before and found it an ordeal to get the tire back on then as well. It was getting dark so I decided to just say fuck it, this day is over, and carried my stuff behind a U-Haul van parked on the side of the road, set up my tent and went to bed.

Crossed into Idaho first thing in the morning
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Welcome to Idaho
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This quarry is lined with hundreds of old cars, all types
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Sill in the other America
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I no po you say
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Large lily ponds for a good stretch
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Lake Pend Oreille, formed during the ice age
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Lots of wildflowers
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Bill ShaneyfeltHard to tell for sure without more detail, but yellow flowers are probably tansy.


Pink might be wild pea vines.

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10 months ago
Busy road approaching Sandpoint, decent shoulder though
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Drive thru convenience store, a sign of the coming apocalypse
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Impressive road cut geology
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Lumber mill outside Priest River
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Crusin’ Priest River on the eve of Logger Days
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Where I did not camp outside Priest River
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where I did
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Today's ride: 73 miles (117 km)
Total: 2,862 miles (4,606 km)

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