Feb. 23rd - Ella to just south of Wellawaya - Kim and Glory - Cycling beyond - CycleBlaze

February 23, 2024

Feb. 23rd - Ella to just south of Wellawaya

A wonderful ride!!

Today was a perfect day in so many ways.  I woke up this morning and planned to climb Little Adams Peak before heading out.  I thought I had read it was a 20 minute climb.  It's a 20 minute climb once you get to the actual trail part.    From my hotel, it was an additional 30 minutes.  It was a nice cement path with vendors setting up to sell their wares.  The views early on were incredible!  Oh, and about that last 20 minutes....Did I mention it was all stairs from this point on?  My weary little legs were not very happy about that.  I was sweating buckets as it was.  I just practiced my "rest step" from my mountaineering/scrambling days.  It helped immensely.  The views from up top were incredible as well.  I stayed about 15 minutes before heading back down.  Man oh man, I beat the rush.  Tons of people were gathering and/or headed up the trail when I was going down.  So thankful I didn't have to deal with all of that.

Got back to my hotel and took a bit of a break to cool down before finishing up my packing.  It's a national holiday in Sri Lanka and if I want to stay in Ella I have to switch hotels again.  My hotel last night was really nice so I wasn't in the mood to downgrade which is what would have been happening.  Besides, I was on a such a high note from my hike and the beautiful scenery, I figured it was a good note to leave Ella on.

Good morning, Glory. You are looking mighty fine today.
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What an amazing view and I'm still walking up the cement path
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Glory and I have made it to the top. Let's have a seat. The last section was all stairs. I just paced myself as buckets of sweat poured off of me.
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Victory is mine and these views are incredible!
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See that road down there? That's my descent. Zoom! Zoom!
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Finally saw a lady picking tea leaves and snapped a quick picture.
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And then this man beckoned me back, which I refused to do because I knew money would be involved and I didn't like the fact he was keeping a pet monkey as a way to make money. Only one quick snap. Look what's in the baskets though!
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Leaving Ella on the A2 road also involves a long, wonderful descent with magnificent views of the valley.  I still had to be very cautious about traffic, but I could definitely get some speed in some sections as there weren't as many curves as my last major descent.

Great views to accompany my speedy ride down
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So I stopped a couple of times to enjoy. Why not take a picture of my bike while I'm at it? :)
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After a few miles, I stopped at Ravana Waterfall.  Utter madness.  There were so many people, that even if I wanted to leave my bike unattended for a closer view up on the rocks, the volumes of people were a big turnoff.  I left my bike long enough to get to the railing and hold my camera above all the selfie taking groups.

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I continued on and as I descended the temperature increased dramatically.  I felt like the air was getting sucked out of me.  I miss the mountain air already!

I hate when my pictures don't turn out. This field had an off-white flower and I was curious as to what it was. Plus, it looked nice.
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Bill ShaneyfeltHard to tell for sure without a more detailed photo, but it looks like cotton.
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1 year ago
Kim JohnsonTo Bill ShaneyfeltHmmm, that's interesting. Do they grow cotton here? The field wasn't that big. Anyways, your guess is always better than mine!
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1 year ago
Bill ShaneyfeltDid some searching. Looks like quite a bit for the size of the country!

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1 year ago
Surprisingly, this tastes way better than it looks. I wanted some protein! The bread is actually tasty, but I was missing ketchup and ummm, size matters.
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Returning to better programming
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Turned off the main highway to my homestay for tonight
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I had booked a reservation at River Cottages Hotel.  I had noticed I was picking a "budget room" but when I did a "dummy" reservation further out, it seemed like all the rooms said that so I wasn't worried.  I didn't even think about the a/c factor.  When I arrived, I realized that meant no a/c.  The owner showed me the room and the fan but said if I waited about 30 minutes for him to get another room ready, I could have a/c, but it would cost $5 more.  I was a little confused and thought maybe he was moving someone just to be kind, so I said I'd be fine for one night without a/c.  The fan seemed like it was powerful.  In hindsight, it was not fine. 😂  And the person I thought he was moving was just a guest who had overstayed way past the checkout.  (They were a local so he didn't push the issue with them.)  I was so hot.  At one point I thought about using the "wet towel" trick during the night, but I powered through.  Just remind me not to make that mistake again!

His place has a large yard and along a small river.  Super peaceful and today I learned peacocks can fly and he has one that lives in a tree on his property.  Who knew?!

Small river along the property
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Good night
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Today's ride: 22 miles (35 km)
Total: 1,150 miles (1,851 km)

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